Can we just talk about high school stereotypes?

Y’all I’m bored, so I just chose a topic. Please just talk to me. ;-;

Topic: High school stereotypes.

Am I the only one who is annoyed by these teenage movies and how they completely miss the mark on high school? I don’t know if it’s just me, but most people leave each other alone and it’s really just an angst fest.


they’re unrealistic about the queer kids for one :skull: most of us just band together and hide out from the populars cause they treat us like pets


LMAO. Yeah, they get it all wrong. At my school, they have a designated lunch table or just hangout outside in the courtyard and kinda ignore all the annoying cliques.


i hate the blonde hair blue eyed mean girl stereotype like not all blondes are bad.
Also i always see in epy stories is the mean girl literally going up to the mc several times at school for no reason :sob:
Mean girls dont do that lmao in my school the “popular girls” would just act dumb and be loud and disrespect the teacher for no reason. They always used to go “why you looking at me stop looking at me” to nearlyy everyoneee for no reason :fairy:t4: :sparkles:like sis nobody wants to look at you :fairy:t4: :sparkles:

lmao idk if thats just me growing up in a british school


In my school most queer people were pretty popular, nobody cared but I realize that’s rare


High school movies are always so weird… I went to a private school so no idea about public schools (I graduated in June) but it was like just going to school and some people have more friends and some people less but everybody minding their owns business and actually doing schoolwork why in movies like nobody actually does school owkr it’s so weird


I went to a British school so I don’t know about high schools, but people usually left each other alone. Most of the drama takes place from year 7-9 and then everyone just stops caring. The stereotypes are a bit :grimacing: yikes.

The ‘popular’ kids were just disruptive, but believe me, they weren’t just 2 dimensional. :thinking: A lot of them were really nice and weren’t bullies which they were presumed to be.


Yeah for real. High school is so laid back. I feel like junior high is when people really go nuts.

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I think people are whole lot more accepting of queer people than people let them out to be, too.

That stereotype is kind of true at my school?? There’s a group of Christian girls that are all red-heads/blondes that aren’t very nice and have problems with everyone.Very vsco girly that sit in a corner. They’re not super popular though.
But yeah… You think they’d add a bit more diversity to the girls. Like, not every mean girl is drop dead gorgeous, most of them don’t get all of the guys, and they aren’t out-of-the-book mean.
Most of the girls I have problems with are very passive aggressive and just gossip so I have a bad reputation. They don’t directly go to my face and calm me names.

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And on the topic of private schools and school work, they get it all wrong. None of the high school movies have kids with parents. My parents are strict AF and are constantly on my butt about my grades.

Lol I don’t get the whole blonde white blue eyed mean girl thing on episode. It’s like always the blonde ones which is like soooo unrealistic.

Or maybe I’m saying that cause I only went to school with one blonde girl in my entire life…she was really nice :skull: :skull: :skull:


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