Can you be my personal coder?

Hey beautiful peeps :heart:!

I am working on two story at a time write now one of which is supposed to be my first story and the other I am planning for LDR contest.
I have all story ideas (although if you are willing to share some ideas its always welcome) but i am not very good at coding.
I need a coder who is willing to help me write my story and gives all the time I ask for.
(I write all day long soooo…)
There are some amazing community members like @sugerpup and more who help me learn coding too.(you people are amazing).
Please reply if you can help :blush: :two_hearts: :innocent:


I don’t have much time so I can’t help much. But i’d love to help! whenever you have trouble with your story, any error or dialogue, PM me! :smiley:


I could help you I am pretty good at coding


Hey sweetheart
I do coding for price $3.5 per episode
If you are interested dm me dear!!


Thank you so much mate!
I’ll keep that in mind :blush: :blush:

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hey :two_hearts:
I don’t think I am ready for a paid coder but whenever in future I’ll make sure to reach you.
Thanks for offering though :blush: :heart:

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That would be amazing. :two_hearts: :two_hearts:
I’ll PM you this instant :blush: :blush:

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