Can you edit this scene to have this locker open too?

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If you can put books or school stuff in the open lockers too, that would be dope. Thanks! :slight_smile:

sure! should i paste a copy without the arrow on it? lol

oh damn. lol i think i used the wrong scene. ill still need an edit but it might be slightly differnt. gimme 3 mins. lol sorry

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Thankfully I only messed up here and not in my story bc i just spot directed a whole scence lol this is the one i need. the 2nd locker from the left is the one i need open. thanks a lot lol

That wasn’t long at all! I dont even know how to do that, lol Thank you so much! Do you have IG? Or what name to use for credit?

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okay, thanks! :smiley:

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I definitely will, thanks so much. :hugs:


can you change a science class into an art class? someone made this for me from the science BG from episode but now i need an art class lol. i just need all the science posters and the board covered up, i think the sinks on the right are okay. maybe instead of labcoats in the back it could be aprons hanging up. i guess whatever else would be in an art classroom lol.

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yay, thanks so much! have a good day at school. :smiley:

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sure, that’d be awesome! it’s gonna be for a class so can you leave room for the desks or easels or whatever I decide to put in? I tend to use a ridiculous amount of overlays for my classroom scenes lol

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youre not bugging me at all, youre the one helping me! lol plus im doing nothing but procrastinating and watching netflix lol how about tables? whichever you think will look better. both?

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