Can you tell me big fear nightmares can tell about your dream

Me to big fear is snakes

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Pray can help your dream


Iā€™m also afraid of that actually. When I see it in my dream Iā€™ll definitely freak out.

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Yeah I should try that. In my childhood I used to pray before sleep but now I donā€™t do it anymore. But this falling dream is from my childhood only.

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Any body watch tv with snakes on it I bad dream about them .I hate them.

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When I was small keep dream about snakes i

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That my big fear is snakes. I canā€™t look at them.

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I had a dream where these shadows were chasing me and a Demonic voice told me I canā€™t escape the darkness.
Then the same voice told me in another dream a couple days ago okā€¦

A bunch of clips flashed really fast against my mind and then the voice said ( You didnā€™t look close enough did you?) And then played them again and it was this giant goat and then these three gold rings falling onto a triangle drawn on the table and then the voice said ( Do you understand now?) And I woke up and it felt like the room was shaking and I knew it had been cause my cat was at the foot of my bed scared. And it was about 3:00 when I woke up from that dream


One time I dream about devil he was breather side of my bed



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I avoid seeing it honestly. Also in our country people worship one particular kind of snake so if a snake constantly appears in their dreams then that means they have forgotten something which they said they would do to god. Or it maybe some kind of sin from previous birth or something like that so they do some rituals and then it stop appearing. Itā€™s actually peopleā€™s belief here.


I dreamed it already a few times ! :joy:
Everytime itā€™s scary for me even if I already dreamed it once ! :joy:


Omg one evening I was home alone and I was sleeping, in my dream devil was whispering my name and I couldnā€™t wake up no matter how much I tried you know. Finally I woke up and I was breathing heavily then decided not to sleep in evening :joy::joy::joy:


One time I dream about Freddy Krueger in my bed that was bad dream to .




I donā€™t know who he is but lol :joy::joy:


Lmao this happened to me too but it was night time :fearful:


I was dream about the devil to he was evil to me.had to pray


If it was night I would be dead lol :joy::joy::joy: seriously dreams appear like reality and we dunno until we wake up.


Freddy Krueger is a character from the A Nightmare on Elm Street film series. He first appeared in Wes Cravenā€™s A Nightmare on Elm Street as a burnt serial killer who uses a gloved hand with razors to kill his victims in their dreams, causing their deaths in the real world as well.

Basically he can kill u in dreamworld and cause you to die irl