@CHARACTER becomes command

So I’m trying to do a flash scene shortcut, where I just do @CHARACTER becomes CHARACTER , but from the first command when they change, I want to change them back, but it sticks as the same character they changed into. Is this normal or can it be fixed? I can just do a scene change if it won’t work. :heart:

&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG shifts to 184 366 in zone 1
&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG scales to 0.182 0.182
&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG moves to layer 4
&OCTAVIA is idle_exhausted_loop
@pause for 0.5

&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG shifts to 181 379 in zone 1
&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG scales to 0.182 0.182
&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG moves to layer 4
&OCTAVIA is idle_exhausted_loop

@pause for 0.5
&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG shifts to 184 366 in zone 1
&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG scales to 0.182 0.182
&overlay 4944351928582144_RESPIRATOR BIG moves to layer 4
&OCTAVIA is idle_exhausted_loop
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If this is a flashback, you need to make a duplicate character and do:

@DUPLICATE changes hair into Hair

And then you can have your character untouched


Okay, thanks! But is there a way to change that duplicate character into someone else mid scene? So it’s like they’re shapeshifting in a way I suppose. Because when I tried it, they originally changed character, but then didn’t respond to any other commands after that and were stuck as that one character.

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Are they customised characters? If not, just use a new character and swap them out

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Yeah I’ll probably just do that, like a quick scene change, it sounds simpler. I was just wondering if the become command would work here but I cba with it anymore :joy:

If you’re just changing the character, you don’t need a scene change

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