Character spot directing help

I’ve used spot directing before but my character goes into like zone 2 instead of zone 3

music music_mellowfunk
@transition fade in black 5
@LAYLA changes into layla pjs
@cut to zone 3
@LAYLA spot 1.136 -232 328 in zone 3 AND LAYLA faces right AND LAYLA is sleep_lay_uncomfortable_loop
@pause for 2
@LAYLA spot 1.136 -232 328 in zone 3 AND LAYLA faces right AND LAYLA is sleep_lay_uncomfortable_awaken
@pause for .5
@speechbubble is 155 186 to 100% with tail_top_left
LAYLA (yawn_bored)
(I guess it’s time to get ready for school.)
@pause for .2
&LAYLA spot 1.136 138 103 in zone 4
@LAYLA faces right AND LAYLA is transition_sit_to_stand
@LAYLA exits left
@LAYLA changes into LAYLA_default

You need a spotting for her to stand up in zone 3 as well before she says something (you used yawn_bored animation which is the standing one)

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Thank you so much!!