Choices/Intro Help Please!

Hiya everyone!

So, I’m creating an eye-catching intro for my story and would really like to do something like this:


This image is the output of the coding that I have done so far. However, I cannot understand how you unlock a choice, and loop the choice back to the main menu/original choice itself. I’m pretty sure this process is called ‘Branching’.

Basically, I am really confused and I’m you are too then what I am trying to create is similar to the late ‘Assassins Of Blackwood’ intro- only more complex. I suggest checking that out to help you understand, and because it’s a great story!

I want to know how to click on a choice, and then after reading what’s on/in it go back to the part where you originally chose/choose the choice.

Sorry, it’s really confusing! Any help is much appreciated and have a good day/night.

Many Thanks,
Ari x

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What about this? :thinking: the choice will unlock when the reader will read the warning, leave else empty :slight_smile:

label options 
    Please select a valid option.
<LOCKED>"Start Chapter One"{
    Sorry, you can't start reading yet.
goto options 

}"Read The Warnings"{

gain read_warnings 


if (read_warnings) {
    Please select a valid option.
"Start Chapter One"{

}"Read The Warnings"{



Hello- thank you for replying!

Thank you so much! I’ll try it tomorrow, as it is late where I live.

Lots of love,
Ari x


Hiya, :wave:t3:

Thank you! I used it and it mostly worked quite well. Thank you for you’re time and effort. :star_struck:

Best Wishes,
Ari x

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