Choices within choice error plz help

i added a bonus scene and there is a dressing game in the bonus scene after all that it says unexpected block_begin in the first part (the first choice bonus scene and credits)

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Can you show the line with the error?

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choice (Bonus scene)
{ “See the Bonus scene”{ (this line has error)

@remove Box Present Large Box from ANGELIN
music music_happygol

“Option 1”{

“Option 2”{


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oh gotchaa

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Now i have another doubt in dressing choice remember and point based on that
there is two outfit options
one is just casual outfit
and another is outfit gifted by a best friend
if she choose casual outfit no points with best friend
but if she choose outfit gifted by best friend will increase friendship points with her
(i already added flags in the outfit choices)



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is that @ is included in that
and is this point be remember in future

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The @ is indeed included in that but in order for that choice to be remembered you will need to either name the choice and then refer to if/elif/else later using the names, use flags/gains or have if/elif/else in accordance with the point system in order for points to determine scenes.

I highly recommend you check out Dara’s guides for this and choose which method works best for you:
Remember a Choice | Dara Amarie (
The Points System | Dara Amarie (

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thank you

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