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And there was a fight at the local…

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Gas station where crowds wearing creepy masks and equipped with chainsaws were present. Suddenly…

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People started announcing that the annual purge was starting and…

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A girl named Livvy was selected as leader to defend the city but sadly…

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She had to kill everybody on her own, succeeding, but…

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She was trapped in a burning building by one of the opponents named…

Tyler Joseph Who…

decided to lit up the building to roast marshmallows because…

they were his favorite food and he needed it to eat it every day or else he would…

Feel sloggy and sad, so Livvy found a water and…

A waffle and started to eat them. Then she…

Use the rest of the water to put out the fire

and then all of a sudden, a wild bear came charging in her direction

She screamed, but used her waffle godliness to…

Lure the bear into a trap but she was encountered by a…

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Bee, who unfortunately wasn’t in their best mood, so the bee…

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Started chasing after till she jumped into a river and…

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Hide till they were gone but as soon as she tryed to reach the shore she was encoutered by a …

Wild teddy bear driven by an undying need for…

Cotton filling but the bear changes his mind and instead…