Choosing outfits- Need help lol

I’m trying to let my character choose an outfit- but it keeps saying this:
“Error choices must follow dialog immediately, not a branch.”
Here’s what I put:
LAVA (think)
(What should I wear?)

“A dress never hurt anyone”{

@LAVA changes into LAVA_DRESSY AND LAVA is dustoff_loop


“Time for Coachellaaaaa! (but not really tho)”{

@LAVA changes into LAVA_ AND LAVA is dustoff_loop



“I want to go back to my edgy phase”{

@LAVA changes into LAVA_EDGY AND LAVA is dustoff_loop


@pause for a beat

LAVA (think)
(This one?)

“Well duh!”{

LAVA (talk_happy_agree)

“Ew no!”{

goto choosing_outfit


Does anyone know what I did wrong?

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You have two of those lol I think that’s why


omg I didn’t notice that haha! Thanks sm


Np :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Welcome to the forums @Jess_epi! My name is JB and I am one of the Admins of the forums, nice to meet you. Happy to see you got your request answered and so quickly! Feel free to reach out to @Sydney_H or myself if you have any forum related questions. Marked as solved and closed. Thanks @xetic for the help :smiley: