Classic, Ink, or Limelight?

Personally, I like Ink better, but I’m trying to write in LL too. LL is quite interesting I think



INK. Limelight makes me cringe and Classic is nightmare fuel.

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Lmao yea the classic I have no words for it, but WHY episode why you create that style it look weird af. LL is tolerable if the story good, but INK is the real MVP lol

I’ve taken a longggg break from Episode and I’ve just come back and I want to write something but I’m not sure what character style to use.

I used to rlly hate limelight but now I like it so much but apparently most people prefer INK??

What do you prefer and if you’re a writer what style did your readers prefer you using?

I prefer writing in Limelight. It looks the most realistic and has the most fluid animations. It also has cool features.


I like reading limelight more, but I’ll still read an ink story if it sounds interesting… :hugs:

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Limelight. I just love how it looks.

Ink, have y’all seen limelight’s crying animation?Do you like the crying animation in limelight more than the ink animation? No?! Then I rest my case


What if I told you that I like the crying animation in Limelight more than the Ink animation.

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Then it’s clear you like limelight more lol, I just don’t like the crying animation it SHOWS NO EMOTION AS MUCH AS THE INK ONE.

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Personally, I feel like Limelight’s animations shows more emotion than Ink’s animations, but that’s just me.


My favorite is Ink, personally. I think it’s just the art style that I prefer.

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Which one you rather read Ink or LL…?

Alot of people rather LL these days…why is that…???
I honestly prefer Ink than LL …

So which one do you rather.?


ink is everything



love :heartpulse:



Do y’all prefer INK or Limelight? Personally idk

  • INK
  • Limelight
  • Idek

0 voters

I choose limelight because it of its semi-realistic feature, but my only problem is that it has lesser animation unlike Ink.:sweat_smile::relaxed:

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Huh? LL has more animations than INK though

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I honestly don’t know which has more animations I haven’t looked but it is a bit more realistic which makes it look a bit better yeah