[CLOSED] Lily's Cover Art Thread

Omg it’s been so long since I’ve been on here, i fully expected this thread to die. :sweat_smile: The last few months were very hectic for me which is why at one point i completely quit making covers. I guess i forgot about this thread after a while, until recently i checked the email connected to this account and saw that people were still replying to this thread. I’m very honored to know that people are still interested in my graphics, and my passion for making them hasn’t gone, don’t worry. But atm i don’t have much time or energy to work on any since my finals are coming up soon, so i plan to open up a new thread at around 27-28th of April, after i finish my exams (and have watched avengers endgame haha). If you’re still interested in getting a cover from me, please look forward to that! Thank you for the continued interest, and i’m sorry for letting down so many of you. :heart: