Co-Writer/Co-Author (6-3-19)

I need a Co-Writer/Co-Author is what some people call it.

these few last things are my opinions on how I view this topic

what is a co-writer and or co-author?
A co-writer/co-author is someone that works with another person to create a episode story or anything really. In my view of a co-writer/co-author I would write stories with them as a partner thing with a joint email or someway we could collaborate like Discord and Instagram (Of course they’re other alternatives) to write stories, come up with cast members and more.

is co-owning a hard job?
It can be a hard job, sense you must keep up with eachother. Of course proof reading is an option too, but I think if you are Co-ing (that isn’t a word) anything you should be on the same page with ideas, etc.


  • Have at least some experience with writing on Episode
  • Have a good schedule at writing times to talk and come up with ideas (that can be arranged)
  • Creative mind
  • At least 10+ (personal reasons for that requirement)
  • Must have an gmail along with Discord or Instagram to communicate

Be sure to have those requirements before going further
In the description or comments please answer these questions and I will be answering them till June 5, 2019 or Wednesday.

Template (you don’t have to use this but just make sure you list these things below)
Communication Preference:
Gmail: (don’t type this in chat, pm me it)

If I do find the perfect candidate I will be closing the deadline so watch out for edits and I will let you know if you get accepted or not. I will also be going back into editing so also stay posted for that or add me on social media (Instagram) @epi.sqlty or @doggo,runaway

Thank you for your time
~Sqlty <3

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Hey I’m Laura I would love to work with you my info is below.

Name, Laura
Age, I’m 15
Time zone, PST
Communication preference, Instagram, or gmail.
Gmail… Pm me!


Name: Alivia
Age: 17
Timezone: Eastern Daylight Time
Communication Preference: Instagram, Hangouts, Gmail
Gmail: ?


Name: Danielle
Age: 13
Timezone: Pacific
You can message me by Instagram, Hangouts, or Gmail
Gmail: PM me.

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Are you interested in writing in INK?

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Are you okay with writing in INK?

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Yeah, that’s the main style i’m more familiar with


do u have insta?

yeah I’llgive you my default insta since i cant login into my original

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okay. just pm it

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Same! My Instagram is @episode.danielle_318

Do you still need people? Cuz I’d love to co write as well.:heart:If not then you can ignore this.:grin:


-gmt +8

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PM me on Instagram @epi.sqlty

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Name: Bibi
Age: 12
Timezone: GMT
Communication Preference: Discord

Name: Talia
Age: 14
Timezone: BST
Communication: Snapchat,Instagram,Gmail