Code Error | But I don't know what it is!

So apparently the error is where I bolded the line. But I thought that the closing curly bracket is at the other bolded curly bracket.

RYAN (think_rubchin)
(Am I going to the assembly…)
choice “Yes” {
RYAN (talk_sheepish_rubneck)_
Yes sure, I’ll go…_
(Maybe Lizzy will be there?)_
LILA exits left AND RYAN exits left_
Hello seemingly hardly any people!_
Oh wait you are all hiding at the back…_
Everyone is here. Apart from - never mind._
Most of us are gathered here today to talk about a student we have lost over the summer…_
@STUDENT1 is react_gasp_dismayed AND STUDENT2 is react_gasp_dismayed AND STUDENT4 is react_gasp_dismayed AND STUDENT5 is react_gasp_dismayed AND STUDENT3 is cry_sob_sad_loop_
@speechbubble is 190 238 to 101% with tail_top_right_
Joseph Anderson has passed over the summer…_
@STUDENT1 is react_gasp_dismayed AND STUDENT2 is react_gasp_dismayed AND STUDENT4 is react_gasp_dismayed AND STUDENT5 is react_gasp_dismayed AND STUDENT3 is cry_sob_sad_loop_
That’s right. Our star student Joseph Anderson is gone…_
RYAN (think_rubchin)_
(I knew all of this. Uh, this is nothing. Wait)_
RYAN (react_shocked_awe)_
(Lizzy IS Joseph Anderson’s sister!)_
RYAN is think_rubchin_

} “No thanks, I’ll pass” {
RYAN (talk_sheepish_rubneck)
No thanks, I’ll pass. I need to find someone.
LILA (idle_awkward_scratch_loop)
Oh. Okay then…
LILA exits left

Can someone please tell me what is wrong with my code. If so that would be really appreciated! Thanks

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Thanks I’ll try that!

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It still doesn’t want to work for me.

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Idk maybe @Dara.Amarie can help cause she is really helpful on this
Ps: when Lila left why isn’t there @Liliac left & before the character the animation ?

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What does the error message say? And can you post a screenshot of your script? It’s much more easier to spot the error through a screenshot.

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Thank you. Can you also post the rest of what’s inside the “yes” choice option?

On line 1337, you forgot to put an @ in front of transition

Thank you so much it is working, you are a lifesaver. :hugs: :hugs:

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