Code for choosing name is not working

Hello there!
I have always wanted to write my own Episode story and I have so many ideas! I have never been writing scripts before so this is really interesting. I tried to find a way to let the player choose there name and I found some, but when I copy-paste the codes into the script it either doesn´t do anything at all or it just says “Imput name”. I have tried to write these:
input What’s Your first Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(NAME)

label name_input

input What’s Your first Name?|What’s Your First Name?|Done(NAME)

if (NAME is “”) {

You do need a name…

goto name_input

} else {

None of these work for me! Did I do something wrong? If so, how can I fix it?

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The code looks alright, just one thing… Are you checking on the Web Preview or on the App?

To see this work you have to check on the App, it’s not working on the Web Preview.

Oh… I checked in the Web Preview, thank you! i was honestly about to give up, so you saved my story!

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