Coding and script help: choices and branching

Hello! I’m writing a mystery story and I need help with my choices and branching. One of the choices is to look around the house for clues and the other is to wait. Should I use GAINS instead of branching out a scene? My script looks like this, i think I screwed something up.


“Look around the house” {
goto look_around

label look_around

    FEMALEAVATAR (listen_nod_happy_loop)
Stella won't mind if I look around a little bit.

@follow FEMALEAVATAR to screen left in zone 2
} “Wait until Stella gets home” {


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you can’t have labels inside the choices, you can just put them outside the choice

“Look around the house” {
goto look_around

} “Wait until Stella gets home” {
goto merge_story

label look_around

FEMALEAVATAR (listen_nod_happy_loop)

Stella won’t mind if I look around a little bit.
@follow FEMALEAVATAR to screen left in zone 2

label merge_story
@pause for 0
#rest of story goes here

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Oh okay! Thank you!!

It says there is an error ‘choices must follow dialog immediately, not a branch.’ i’m confused on what that means.

you need to have a dialogue before the choice


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