Coding assistance needed please help

Can someone tell me what I’m doing wrong here?-

&pan to zone 2 in 3
&MC walks to spot 1.100 23 370 in zone 2 in 3 AND MC does it while behavior idle_lay_exhausted_loop THEN MC starts collapse_lay_groggy_eyesclosed AND MC faces left
@LIV walks to spot 1.181 222 175 in zone 2 in 3 AND LIV does it while behavior walk_talk_box_neutral_loop THEN LIV starts tinker_stand_neutral_loop_rear

I’ve used similar coding before in my script but I seem to be having trouble with this. I’m trying to make it look like my character is being carried from one location to another and then set down on a couch that I have in the background.

Delete the word “behavior” for both lines. That shouldn’t be there.

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Thank you for your help I forgot to delete that after adding the “animation”.

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Ok so now my script looks like this-

&pan to zone 2 in 3
&MC walks to spot 1.181 318 344 in zone 1 in 3 AND MC does it while idle_lay_exhausted_loop THEN MC is idle_lay_exhausted_loop AND MC faces left
@LIV walks to spot 1.181 222 175 in zone 2 in 3 AND LIV does it while walk_talk_box_neutral_loop THEN LIV starts tinker_stand_neutral_loop_rear THEN MC starts collapse_lay_groggy_eyesclosed AND MC faces left

and everything is working fine except for MC doesn’t move across the screen she sort of just teleports?

Is zone 1 the correct one for MC to move to?

Yes that’s the correct zone

take out “does it while” and replace it with “is”

With laying positions, the character completely changes their spot on the screen. So if you originally had them in a standing position, then made them walk while laying, their postion changed. You should make your character start out at a laying position, then respot them. Then make them “walk” to the other spot also laying and use that spot. Then respot them standing

No, you should use “does it while” when walking while doing an animation.

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ohh ok. never mind then.

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