Coding Error! Scene Error -

I’m having some trouble with my script, I’m not sure how to fix it.

&COMMANDER ROBERTS stands screen center AND COMMANDER ROBERTS is smoke_cigarette_neutral AND COMMANDER ROBERTS faces left
@add Cigarette White Tan to COMMANDER ROBERTS
@transition fade in

@AVERY enters from left to screen right AND LILI enters from left to screen left

Commander Roberts is supposed to already be in the scene, but he seems invisible. Do any of you know how to fix that?

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@COMMANDER ROBERTS stands screen center AND COMMANDER ROBERTS is smoke_cigarette_neutral AND COMMANDER ROBERTS faces left

Try using @ instead of &

It still isnt working.

Maybe try spot directing him? :thinking:

That’s the problem, though. I can’t spot direct him because he’s not even on the screen.

Okay I don’t know it may sounds dumb but 1. try refreshing the page, 2. make sure the character is in the right zone, 3. make sure you got the characters name right (I often have a typo and the character doesn’t appear), 4. try specifying the transition (color and time)

does the script write any error?

I just tried your script in my portal and it works perfect…so it really seems like to be some bug of the previewer… as Martini suggest try to refresh the page or oven it in another internet browser.

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