Coding help lol urgent

Can someone tell me what am doing wrong? Because after I swapped Amber & Jasper’s positions after Jasper’s dialouge, Jasper won’t perform the holdwaist_give_idle_rear animation even though it looks okay on the desktop preview, on the app it shows as Jasper standing idle without performing the animation. If that makes sense could someone help?

@speechbubble reset
@zoom reset
@AMBER changes into AMBER_Casual2
@cut to zone 2
@zoom on 464 471 to 207% in 0
@AMBER spot 1.081 186 122 in zone 2 AND AMBER faces left
@AMBER moves to layer 3
@JASPER spot 1.119 174 129 in zone 2 AND JASPER faces left
@JASPER moves to layer 2
@AMBER starts holdwaist_give_idle_rear AND JASPER starts read_phone_neutral_loop
@speechbubble is 156 196 to 100% with tail_top_right
JASPER (talk_read_phone_neutral)
You ready to say goodbye to your parents & the others, and go to our place, precious?
@pause for 0.5
@JASPER spot 1.081 194 139 in zone 2 AND JASPER faces left
@JASPER moves to layer 3
@AMBER spot 1.119 177 96 in zone 2 AND AMBER faces left
@AMBER moves to layer 2
@JASPER starts holdwaist_give_idle_rear AND AMBER starts idle_happy_loop

I previewed it on my Mobile portal and it works perfectly
Maybe restart the app?

Yep it must be some kind of weird glitch thanks for your help!

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Oh and btw, I just recalled that I’ve faced this same issue a lot of times with my ink story. But when my friends previewed it, it went fine for them. So definitely a glitch!

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