College Fair Backgrounds?

Hi! I’m writing a story where the MC is in high school and there’s a college fair that comes and a bunch of universities are out on display. Unfortunately, I can’t find a good background for this, and the closest thing Episode has to what I had in mind was this:

The only thing is… the tables are a part of the background.

So, can someone help me either
a) find/make me a background of a college fair? sort of laid out in a science-fair type of way but instead of projects it’s universities? I can edit on some fake universities but I just need a background first lol
b) edit out the tables from the above background and make them into overlays?

Help would be greatly appreciated and I’ll give any credits necessary!

@FlowerGriefer is an expert, I recommend her :wink: :revolving_hearts:


Will this work for you? :tulip:

Thanks @JemU776 :revolving_hearts::tulip:


omg that is perfect thank you so much!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::revolving_hearts:

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how do you want me to credit you?

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You’re welcome! No worries no credit needed. :+1::tulip:

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