COMING SOON: Speech Bubble Style Update & Larger Episode Scripts!

Ahhhh can’t wait to have new speechbubbles :hushed: :smiley:


Ahhhhh!!! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Sooooo hype for these updates !! I’m gonna be writing so many stories just so I can use the new features :grin::grin::grin::grin:. Can’t wait !!! :blue_heart:

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lol ikr!!!

Not really fond of the new speechbubble style, but being able to choose which color we want without finagling in nice, and having longer scripts is good, too.


Thank you!:revolving_hearts:
When you’re at changing the speechbubbles anyway, could you please make it possible to put the tail in the middle of the bubble. Even better would be to be able to choice the height and lenght of the bubble as well.


Ps. Does this mean the stories we’ve used the “cheat” on will get issues…?


Yes! Thank you all! :green_heart:

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@Liz, how will you determine the beta authors?

(I hope you won’t just do popular authors this time around. It would be cool if you had a sign up form or randomized from active authors)

EDIT: They had a signup form, that I missed. :sob:


Realllllllyyyy Excited for this!!! Especially the speech styles :smiley: Question… @Liz, is there a word count for how long the chapters can be? Like, can it extend 5-7k? Just curious HOW MUCH Larger we will be able to gooooo :slight_smile: :smiley:

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How about other speech bubble styles? Like the one in Cameron Dallas and in pretty little liars?


I can’t wait for larger chapters and new speechbubbles.

It’s about time! People have been asking for this for ages!

THIS IS AWESOME!!! Thank you!

I hadn’t faced that issue yet but it is good to know they are expanding the amount. I am a little confused what that means though. Does that mean the length of the chapter is too long, so it would not let you save it?

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Being a librarian I would not encourage that but I do love your enthusiasm. :):grin:

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Pretty much although I believe it’s more of a data limit than a line limit so a lot of fancy directing can push you over. The limit for INK is supposed to be around 13000 but I know people who went well over that (because they had CC) and that was fine. I also found that the limit was a lot lower for Limelight. In one of my stories I hit the limit at just 7500 lines.


Anyone know when this is actually gonna come out?

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Ah. Thanks for explaining this to me!

Oh I LOVE this! Thank you Episode Team for the hard work! :blush::smile:

What about Pll text style? I tried that one and it doesn’t work.