Content Guidelines

You can say “bitch” “ass” and “shit” as many times as you want. You can only say “fuck” five times tho


wbk they’re hypocrites lmao


5 times for each chapter or the whole story?

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When a story is breathtaking by sexuality tension, than you know it’s so much against guidance, that it can’t be fixed anymore. And it’s not just the use of dirty words, it’s all consumed.

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each chapter

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Hey there. I know you’ve prefaced this as just being your experience, but not all of these are true and they might get spread as being hard facts. :frowning: This one for example isn’t true because their guidelines contradict it in the updated version they posted:

(Although I would actually prefer for your understanding of this rule to be true, at least regarding any sexual component.)


no it’s actually true

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How come episode can break these rules then in official stories?


Can someone break down the rules of cursing because everybody is confused…
What are the rules? Lol.

Is there a specific number?
I see excessive clear as day but that doesn’t help.
You have older people on this app. Lol.
I dunno… Can someone break this down?

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5 is the specific maximum number

That’s not in the guidelines though, that’s a rule made up by a community member apparently :thinking:

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I’ve seen it stated a few times from Episode team members.

Do you have a link? I just want to be sure.
I’m not doubting your word.



Thank you, Cee :black_heart:

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I have a quick question. For the “no sexual stuff for characters that are under 16 and over 13” What counts as a sexual act? Just 'cause it’s different for everybody. I’m not having any character like that, I was just curious.

since this is episode we’re talking about, i assume they mean sexual kissing, inappropriate touching, sexually suggestive material ect.

This is BS. So no swearing or love scenes?

I’m just thinking, since kissing is a borderline thing. It can be if it’s with some tongue action, but if it’s just a peck…then what?

im sure that would be fine, but if its a person under 16 getting pecked by somebody older than them, that probably wouldnt be allowed