Content Warnings on Episode

That would be fine and putting hotlines is a brilliant idea :slight_smile: as long as you are not showing self harm or suicide you should be good to go, you can say that it has taken place but not show it or describe it in a detailed manner


It’s probably been said but if you are using flashing effects 1 warn the reader before starting the story and before the scene and give the option to turn them off!

I have epilepsy but thankfully I am not photosensitive and only have a mild form (not going into it obs)

But epilepsy can be life threatening please please please give warnings of flashing images


bump :upside_down_face:

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Wait a second
Even you said apps target is 13 or up.but some stpry content was not suitable for teenager too.why not create a section for mature content which also require user age verification(submit ID/ Passport for that?)


Episode has already a new app called “Ivy” with a mature content. But as I know, it works only for Australians.


This would be an invasion of privacy on Episode’s end. All people who are over 18 do not have valid ids like passports or driver’s license.


This is smart, what is the coding for it? Including the list of triggers if you were to click on it.

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It would be like this:

Warning: The next scene may be triggering to some viewers.

label skip_scene

Would you like to skip it?

“Yes” {
goto after_triggering_scene
} “What does it contain?” {

It contains this and that.

goto skip_scene

} “No” {


#put scene here

label after_triggering_scene


Perfect, thank you!


My story, literally called: Adulthood, is about becoming an adult. There barely are physical scenes, only one (and I’m gonna change it a bit) so far, but since it’s about becoming an adult they will talk a lot about mature topics.

I don’t know what to do. I thought it would be a nice Idea for the readers that are 16 or 17+, but I don’t want my story to be taken down.

Also, a lot of stories contain mature themes and don’t get taken down and I’m scared they will ban my story for talking and joking about it.

If I put a warning that it talks about mature themes a lot, isn’t that enough?

If I use a skip option I don’t want the readers to just read half of the chapters.

Maybe I could addwhich mature themes in specific that are in my story.


This depends on the scenes and the context. Ass long as all your work stays within the guidelines it’s fine. You can add content warnings for whatever you feel maybe be potentially triggering.


What are you not able to understand?

What is it that you want to include?

That is absolutely not and was never allowed. You obviously did not read the guidelines.

Yes you can say that

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Okay, I understand this but the content is very confusing. Like, we’re told one thing but the Episode original stories kind of reflect otherwise. I don’t know… Just the clothing that shows cleavage and the amount of bras and underwear provided in closet, and the ads they show (like Radish) that promote reading stories about sex just honestly doesn’t feel 13+. I don’t know if I’m misunderstanding it, but it feels like what’s being modeled is the opposite of guidelines. I feel like it’s just something being said just to make sure Episode doesn’t get boosted to 17+ (because you’ll lose half of your readers due to parental restrictions) rather than something we’re trying to honestly make a positive change to.


all of this


Thanks Tyler!
We all Needed to hear this!

I feel like b is a lil stretch. What if a character used self harm at one point and thought it was an escape, but then they realise it’s not an escape and has consequences?