Cookie's Uncensored Reviews đź”’

I strongly suggest you to go through your script on laptop. I am 100% sure than you can’t make a flawless advanced directing with your phone.
But with the overlay thing, you can drop me code with the beginning of that scene, I will take a look, why overlays pop out.

I won’t argue. Just say my thoughts on this approach, because you might find it useful, and you haven’t published your story yet. First contradiction is a nice guy in the gang. For me, it is kinda naive. But ok, let’s drop this point. He may be not a bad guy. He was just too soft, this contradicts whole mafia thing even more.

Maybe you could just make her resist a bit more, add some additional lines to her thoughts about this whole thing. Like, make her try harder to convince MC not to go.

I can suggest CrazyCaliope. She helped me with my story.

And I would read it if you remove grammar mistakes. It’s just a turn off for me, for any interesting story.
Good luck.