Cool Vine Thread

Okay so there are like a thousand different types of threads and I’ve never seen a vine one, so personally I would love to have one because I just love vines (R.I.P vine :pensive:) so let’s keep it positive, no swearing, keep it clean, stick to the rules!
I know most of the vines have bad words or are inappropriate so please censure the bad words or change them lol
This thread is mainly to talk about vines, doing polls about them (because polls are cool), and a tribute to Vine!

Love you all :two_hearts: hope this can work!

And I’ll leave you a little poll…
So tell me which are your favorite vines?

  • Can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?
  • Road work ahead? Well yeah I hope it does!
  • Chris is that a weed? Um no this is crayon… I’m calling the police!
  • Get to del taco they have this new thing called FR E SH A VOCA DO
  • Hurricane Catrina? More like Hurricane tortilla!
  • I said whoever threw that paper your mom’s a h*e
  • All of the above

0 voters


I very much appreciate this thread and I will be back with some more vines… yeet!

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If you want great clean vines, go on YouTube and look up “Vines to show your grandparents”


These are pretty cool👌

If I have to wake up my best friend for you, then I will do it! Ay Best Friend! Best Friend! Get up!

Miss Keisha! Miss Keisha?? Oh my fucking god she fuckin’ dead


also another one of my favorites:

YOU’RE NOT MY DAD! you just wanna hear somethin’ ugly ass noodle hair

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Kid: Daddy?
Girl: Do I look like-


pours water onto face


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