Could someone please check my script

So I wanted a couple of different things to happen at the same time but I suck at placing the “&” sign at appropriate places and of course I couldn’t get the effect I wanted.
Could someone please check my script and help me out with the errors please?

@cut to zone 1

&overlay OVERLAY create
@overlay OVERLAY opacity 1 in 0

&overlay OVERLAY shifts to -135 39 in zone 1
@overlay OVERLAY scales to 0.928 0.928
@overlay OVERLAY moves to layer 4

@cut to zone 1

&CHARACTER spot 1.298 37 -40 in zone 1
@CHARACTER moves to layer 3

&CHARACTER starts animation

CHARACTER (animation)
CHARACTER (animation)
CHARACTER (animation)
CHARACTER (animation)
CHARACTER (animation)

&zoom on 0 496 to 191% in 6

Thanks for your time! xx

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What is your background name and in what order do you want stuff to happen?

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INT. BATHROOM with effect RAIN

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Do you want the zoom with the dialogue and do you want the overlays and character to already be in the scene?

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Yes! That is what I intend on doing but of course I have failed miserably :cry:

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Try this:
INT. BATHROOM with effect RAIN with OVERLAY to 0.928 -135 39 in zone 1 at layer 4
&CHARACTER spot 1.298 37 -40 in zone 1 at layer 3
&zoom on 0 496 to 191% in 6

CHARACTER (animation)
CHARACTER (animation)
CHARACTER (animation)
CHARACTER (animation)
CHARACTER (animation)

And don’t forget to replace CHARACTER with your character’s name and OVERLAY with your overlay name!

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when I do that;

-this shows up
It seems like I cannot add another overlay on the same line with rain effect :slightly_frowning_face:

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So I put the overlay command at a new line and worked up the spot and did what you advised and it worked!!
FINALLY!! :sob:
Thank you so much!!

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