Could someone turn this into a story beginning or monologue?

Could someone turn this into a story beginning or monologue?
ps: add dialogues


The Mafia is at a really dark ally and they’re trying to catch the traitor that betrayed them by snitching. The boss (Taro) wanted to see if his daughter (Celia) had what it takes to be a member of the mafia so Taro passes a gun to Celia and tells her to shoot, Celia hesitated.

I just want some ideas.


here u go ! i’m not sure if this is exactly what u wanted and i also got carried away a bit :sweat_smile:

the cold crippling object pointed directly at (traitor). the feel of the weapon in my hands. the heavy weight of the guilt that would result of executing this could not compare to the small weight of the weapon. the curve of the trigger, the stretch leading to the barrel, the (describe look) on (traitor) face. . .
i feel (taro) shoot a menacing glare in my direction, “my own daughter hesitating ?’ he scoffs. he is barely audible over the pounding of my heart. for a minute i think he’s about to do the job himself.
i attempt to respond to his sneers but my voice fails me. i feel adrenaline shooting through my body. i feel frozen, frightened. i feel like a failure. . .


Well this is amazing

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awh ha ha thank you !!

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its fine :rofl: im glad u like it <3

also i wanna read this story once its out :blush:

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Do you write stories? Cause like you really good :scream:

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awhh:) Plus do you have any advice for writing? I mean cause you seem really skilled

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im actually in the process of writing my very first episode story ! only on episode 1 tho :sweat_smile: . . . im very new to the whole directing thing but im getting the hang of it

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if you ever need help writing or like proof reading u can always ask me. ill gladly help!

That’s good to know! Well remind me when it’s our or if you need a proofreader :relieved:

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definitely and same goes :slight_smile:

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omg really? Thanks!

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no problem !

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