Cover Art - Be aware, I'm definitely not a pro or expert xDD

Hey would you have time to create a H&V cover? Which means it’s needed pretty soon. It’s fine if you can’t :smiley:

Hey @SpiralKaleidoscope

It’s fine. Take your time :slight_smile:

I don’t need anything, but your example photos are very pretty…

Thanks :blush:


What’s a H&V cover? Btw I’ll complete it as quick as possible, it might take me up to a week though…

Ok, for everyone who has requested characters on the cover art, I NEED THE CHARACTERS!! I can’t be completed without them!

mine are at the top of the thread :slight_smile:

I mean for everyone else, but thanks

Hi again. I’ve come here with some sad news. Unfortunately, my family matters have become a lot worse, and I will be unable to continue the cover art. I’m deeply sorry about this and I’ll be closing the thread. Again, I’m sorry.

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I am sorry to hear that!

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Thanks, I’m just sorry I couldn’t complete the requests

Closing as this thread has a new home here :v:t2: