Cover Art Needed for Drama and Mystery story (SOLVED)

Hi! I need some cover art for 2 of my stories! They both are similar in that the backgrounds are photo frames and the characters will be in the photos.

I will just take pictures of the characters and poses at first but if you need me to put in the characters details then I will. The poses the characters are doing are the ones to use in the cover. If it helps I can also give you a description of the story.

The first one is already published and is a mystery story. It is called “Roses are Red”.


This will be the large cover (I already have the small cover planned)
The characters will go in these picture things. The details on where they will be is in the ‘characters’ section. Is it possible to add some space at the top and write the title “Roses are Red” there? The writing will be in red and in a fancy font. If you’re up to it, you can put a rose there and some blood splatters. You can also change the colour of the photo things if you like.


If you can’t change the way they’re facing you can keep it as it is.

Top left photo facing right

Top centre photo facing right

Top right photo facing left

Middle left photo facing right

Middle centre left photo facing right

Screen Shot 2022-02-12 at 5.50.41 pm
Middle centre right photo facing left

Screen Shot 2022-02-12 at 5.51.17 pm
Middle right photo facing left

Bottom left photo facing right

Screen Shot 2022-02-12 at 5.53.40 pm
Bottom middle photo racing left

Bottom right photo facing left

I hope that all made sense. If it didn’t I can draw a diagram or something. I hope it isn’t too complicated.

The next story is not published yet and is a drama (and sort of comedy). It is called “In Between the Lines”.



I just realised the istock thing. Is there a way you could get rid of that?


Same for “Roses are Red”, the characters will be in these photos. But on some there will be more than one person in a photo. The details on where they will be is in the ‘characters’ section.


(Information will be below photo)

Large Background:
Top photo

Small Background:
Middle photo

This is a photo of the main character/narrator.

Large Background:
Second from top

Small Background:
Middle Left

Photo of main character (right, facing left) and his friend (left, facing right).

Young main character

Childhood friend

Large Background:
Second from bottom

Small Background:
Very Left

Photo of young version of main character (left, facing right) and his childhood friend (right, facing left).




Large Background:

Small Background:
Middle right

Family photo of young main character and his parents (son in the middle, infront of parents, slightly lower, father on the right facing left and mother on the left facing right)

Small Background:
Very right

Photo of side character (left, facing right) and his wife (right, facing left)

I hope that all made sense. If it didn’t I can draw a diagram or something. I hope it isn’t too complicated.

I don’t have any money so yeah I can only take free.


Free or paid?

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Definitely free. I’ll put that in the post now.

I can do it if it’s edited :blob_hearts:

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Here are some examples of my work



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Yeah I’m good with that. You don’t have to do both. You can choose. But if you want to do both you can.

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Ok I can do the first one Roses are Red :upside_down_face:

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Thank you so much. If you need me to explain anything you can ask me.

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Ok, do u want ur name on there like by name here

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Okay. Maybe in the bottom right corner written in the same font. The name is The Button Bop.

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Hey, I can do the second story if you don’t mind it being edited!


Ok I’ll get onto it


Yeah sure I don’t mind!

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Thank you! No rush

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have you found someone for both stories? if not i can do it :)) i can give u some examples of my covers

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I should have it to u tomorrow :upside_down_face:

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Ok! I’ll get on it!

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I think I have someone for both stories sorry.

Here I made a couple of versions let me know if u want any changes





Can I use one for examples :upside_down_face:

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I love them both! I know I said I had a plan for the small cover but I might use the second one for the small cover and the first for the large cover. Yes you can use them for example for other work. Also, put the blood splatter on the other side because the guy in the last photo is the one who’s dead (the one in the hat where it says JazzDragon)

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