[Creator's Contest] Adventurous

Could you read my chapter so far? I want to know if you’d continue reading. (It’s currently unfinished) I’m willing to take any criticism into consideration, so thanks! Here’s the link to the (currently unfinished) first chapter… (I hope the link will work lol)
IAdventurous: Onstage http://bit.ly/EpisodeHere


I think the MC would have to be willing to have powers? Like take a risk that “awakened” her powers or something? She would have to willingly take a risk for the story to be considered Adventurous, or that’s the vibe I got from the post.



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Thank you for replying! Yeah I was thinking of that anyway. I think the risk will be she runs away from home or something Idk.

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There will be a lot of good stories coming our way


To get more reads, I highly suggest making an Instagram and get story reviews from Episode groups. Not only do you get constructive criticism, but if they like your story they might give you a shoutout. You can also do read for reads and advertise your story to different people.


It sounds so good!

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ahh unrelated but your profile pic is AMAZING :sob:


I think there are usually about 150 entries or more, depending on the theme!
As for backgrounds, you may want to check these profiles on IG: alexa_episode, shara.stories, amepisode, pamela.writes; they may have what you’re looking for.


I want to join, but I rather do it through a collaboration. I pretty decent at coding and my time for the most part (other than classes) is pretty free. Anyone want to collab?

  • Sure, why not.
  • Yeah, sorry no.

0 voters

Sorry I meant to put the other one lol

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lol no worries


I’d like to, but…

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Second one

I like this idea, but I hope the next contest will have something to do with the Middle East, or at least the next shelf :slight_smile:

Well I find contests something that isn’t really limited to some culture, it’s mostly to inspire newer authors to write.

But we do have a shelf that Middle Eastern authors can be featured, it’s on May.


This is actually a really good theme to be able to set your story anywhere you like too.
So many possibilities with this contest!


Hey there, for some reason your link isn’t working for me, it’s leading me to the Google Store where I’m seeing the Episode app :sweat_smile:

Could you provide the story link that’s on Writer’s Portal? It should be under your story details and the chapters you’re working on.

If you don’t feel comfortable sharing it here, feel free to PM me :heartpulse:

That would alienate most of the writers if they did a contest about the Middle East. You’d have like 8 people entering. That seems unfair. Also, aren’t you the person who’s said that you don’t feel the need for Episode to hire Arabs? So you don’t want them to hire anyone like you, but when it comes to contests, you want them to ignore most of the readers and writers and target you specifically?