Criticism is good as long as it does not include the use of offensive words

What do you think?


To be honest: I love constructive criticism. Giving it or receiving it, it helps you improve. Thereā€™s always ways to get better, and nothing can be perfect, so I think itā€™s great. Useless criticism, like ā€œthis is stupid.ā€ is unhelpful, unless you give a reason why itā€™s stupid. Personally, I love giving and receiving helpful feedback.

Thereā€™s always going to be someone in the world whoā€™s disappointed. You canā€™t please everyone. :wink:

Donā€™t be a hater, be aā€¦I canā€™t think of anything that rhymes right now :joy:


Skater :skateboard::ice_skate:

Anyways, yup. I agree with my forum son in law.


Not those words
Words like bitch etc

No, I Donā€™t see the point of using that in a review.

Yrs reviews have to be honest and if you donā€™t like criticism then Donā€™t asks for one. But not with those words.


I like criticism but not those words

Me too, as I said, I Donā€™t see the point of using words like a bitch, etc. Why is that necessary


Thereā€™s constructive criticism and thereā€™s criticism. If someone calls your story ā€˜badā€™ then that doesnā€™t really help you. But if someone says your story was ā€˜bad because of thisā€¦ā€™ then that enables you to work on the parts that arenā€™t the greatest. I donā€™t see why people would use offensive words to criticise someoneā€™s story, thereā€™s no need for that.


This might be an unpopular opinion but I find hate comments hilarious :joy: I try to learn from every type of criticism. When someone uses offensive words or is just rude, itā€™s quite funny to me instead of offending. Example:
Troll: ew this story is so cliche
Me: Just like your username :nauseated_face: CrazyShannilope @ShanniiWrites LOL

Some people use offending words but thereā€™s something to learn from every type of criticism. If you have the sense to differentiate between criticism and trolling. Hating isnā€™t trolling btw.


cough certain people cough


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