Customization repeat

i did customization but after i press done it goes to the skin tone and repeats every time i press done

Could you provide a screenshot or copy and paste it, so I can see what’s wrong? (You can PM it, too, if you want) and most likely, it has to do with your labels/goto’s.

whats a pm

@LIAM stands screen center and LIAM faces right and LIAM starts idle

What does he look like?

“Skin Color” {
goto skin1
} “Hair” {
goto hair1
} “Face Shape” {
goto face1
} “Eyebrows” {
goto eyebrows1
} “Eyes” {
goto eyes1
} “Nose” {
goto nose1
} “Mouth” {
goto mouth1
} “This is perfect!” {

label skin1

Choose his skin color.

“Light Skin Colors”{
goto skincolor_light_boy1
}“Medium Skin Colors”{
goto skincolor_medium_boy1
}“Dark Skin Colors”{
goto skincolor_dark_boy1

label skincolor_light_boy1

Choose his skin color.

“Dune” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Dune
goto skincolor_light_boy1
“Porcelain” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Porcelain
goto skincolor_light_boy1
“Fair” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Fair
goto skincolor_light_boy1
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Light
goto skincolor_light_boy1
“Light Ocre” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Light Ocre
goto skincolor_light_boy1
“Ivory” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Ivory
goto skincolor_light_boy1
“Beige” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Beige
goto skincolor_light_boy1
“Different Shades”{
goto skin1
goto male_avatar1

label skincolor_medium_boy1

Choose his skin color.

“Olive” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Olive
goto skincolor_medium_boy1
“Tan” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Tan
goto skincolor_medium_boy1
“Taupe” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Taupe
goto skincolor_medium_boy1
“Caramel” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Caramel
goto skincolor_medium_boy1
“Honey” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Honey
goto skincolor_medium_boy1
“Toffee” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Toffee
goto skincolor_medium_boy1
“Different Shades”{
goto skin1
goto male_avatar1

label skincolor_dark_boy1

Choose his skin color.

“Umber” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Umber
goto skincolor_dark_boy1
“Rosewood” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Rosewood
goto skincolor_dark_boy1
“Mocha” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Mocha
goto skincolor_dark_boy1
“Dark” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Dark
goto skincolor_dark_boy1
“Sable” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Sable
goto skincolor_dark_boy1
“Chestnut” {
@LIAM changes bodyColor into Chestnut
goto skincolor_dark_boy1
“Different Shades”{
goto skin1
goto male_avatar1

label face1

Choose his face shape.

“Athletic” {
@LIAM changes face into Athletic Square Jaw
goto face1
“Thin Chiseled” {
@LIAM changes face into Chiseled Oval
goto face1
“Stubble” {
@LIAM changes face into Chiseled Square
goto face1
“Defined Triangle” {
@LIAM changes face into Defined Triangle
goto face1
“Diamond” {
@LIAM changes face into Diamond
goto face1
“Square Jaw” {
@LIAM changes face into Square Jaw
goto face1
“Thin Stubble” {
@LIAM changes face into Sculpted Oblong
goto face1
“Soft Triangle” {
@LIAM changes face into Cade
goto face1
goto male_avatar1

label eyes1

Choose his eyes.

“Deepset Piercing” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Deepset Piercing
goto eyes1
“Deepset Sloping” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Deepset Sloping
goto eyes1
“Deepset Gentle” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Deepset Gentle
goto eyes1
“Stoic Almond” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Stoic Almond
goto eyes1
“Classic Round” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Classic Round
goto eyes1
“Innocent Round” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Innocent Round
goto eyes1
“Next Page” {
goto eyes12
“Eye Color” {
goto eyecolor1
goto male_avatar1

label eyes12

Choose his eyes.

“Sloping Smolder” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Sloping Smolder
goto eyes12
“Narrow Gentle” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Narrow Gentle
goto eyes12
“Gentle Almond” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Gentle Almond
goto eyes12
“Piercing Almond” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Piercing Almond
goto eyes12
“Round Piercing” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Round Piercing
goto eyes12
“Round Gentle” {
@LIAM changes eyes into Round Gentle
goto eyes12
“Previous Page” {
goto eyes1
“Eye Color” {
goto eyecolor1
goto male_avatar1

label eyecolor1

Choose his eye color.

“Blue” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into Blue
goto eyecolor1
“Brown” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into Brown
goto eyecolor1
“Black” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into Black
goto eyecolor1
“Green” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into Green
goto eyecolor1
“Purple” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into Purple
goto eyecolor1
“White” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into White
goto eyecolor1
“Auburn” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into Auburn
goto eyecolor1
“Hickory” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into Hickory
goto eyecolor1
“Pine” {
@LIAM changes eyesColor into Pine
goto eyecolor1
goto male_avatar1

label eyebrows1

Choose his eyebrows.

@LIAM changes eyebrows into Straight Bold
goto eyebrows1
@LIAM changes eyebrows into Thick Arch
goto eyebrows1
@LIAM changes eyebrows into Medium Sharp
goto eyebrows1
@LIAM changes eyebrows into Thick Tapered
goto eyebrows1
@LIAM changes eyebrows into Thin Arch
goto eyebrows1
@LIAM changes eyebrows into Thick Arch Athletic
goto eyebrows1
} “Done”{
goto male_avatar1

label nose1

Choose his nose.

“Button” {
@LIAM changes nose into Button
goto nose1
“Refined” {
@LIAM changes nose into Refined
goto nose1
@LIAM changes nose into Aquiline
goto nose1
“Roman” {
@LIAM changes nose into Roman
goto nose1
“Broad” {
@LIAM changes nose into Broad
goto nose1
@LIAM changes nose into Hooked Nose
goto nose1
“Next Page” {
goto nose12
goto male_avatar1

label nose12

Choose his nose.

“Thin” {
@LIAM changes nose into Thin
goto nose12
“Chiseled” {
@LIAM changes nose into Chiseled
goto nose12
@LIAM changes nose into Strong
goto nose12
@LIAM changes nose into Upturned
goto nose12
@LIAM changes nose into Round
goto nose12
“Athletic Button” {
@LIAM changes nose into Athletic Button
goto nose12
“Previous Page” {
goto nose1
goto male_avatar1

label mouth1

Choose his mouth shape.

“Classic” {
@LIAM changes mouth into Classic
goto mouth1
}“Full” {
@LIAM changes mouth into Full Tapered
goto mouth1
}“Small Round” {
@LIAM changes mouth into Small Round
goto mouth1
}“Smirk” {
@LIAM changes mouth into Smirk
goto mouth1
}“Small Open” {
@LIAM changes mouth into Small
goto mouth1
}“Uneven” {
@LIAM changes mouth into Uneven
goto mouth1
}“Pouting Oval” {
@LIAM changes mouth into Pouting Oval
goto mouth1
}“Uni-lip Medium” {
@LIAM changes mouth into Uni-lip Medium
goto mouth1
} “Lip Color” {
goto lipColor1
goto male_avatar1

label lipColor1

Choose his lip color.

“Dune” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Dune
goto lipColor1
} “Ivory” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Ivory
goto lipColor1
} “Blush” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Blush
goto lipColor1
} “Olive” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Olive
goto lipColor1
} “Terracotta” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Terracotta
goto lipColor1
} “Next Page” {
goto lipColor12
} “Change Lip Shape” {
goto mouth1
} “Done” {
goto male_avatar1

label lipColor12

Choose his lip color.

“Mocha” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Mocha
goto lipColor12
} “Rosewood” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Rosewood
goto lipColor12
} “Dark” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Dark
goto lipColor12
} “Sable” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Sable
goto lipColor12
} “Chestnut” {
@LIAM changes mouthColor into Chestnut
goto lipColor12
} “Previous Page” {
goto lipColor1
} “Change Lip Shape” {
goto mouth1
} “Done” {
goto male_avatar1

label hair1

Choose his hairstyle.

“Shorter Hair” {
goto shorthair1
} “Longer Hair” {
goto longhair1
} “Styled” {
goto styledhair1
} “Bangs” {
goto bangshair1
} “Select Color” {
goto hair1

label shorthair1

Choose his hairstyle.

“Buzzed” {
@LIAM changes hair into Buzzed Hair
goto shorthair1
} “Generic Short” {
@LIAM changes hair into Generic Short Hair
goto shorthair1
} “Short Cropped” {
@LIAM changes hair into Short Cropped Hair
goto shorthair1
}“Boy Bun” {
@LIAM changes hair into Boy Bun
goto shorthair1
} “Short Fade” {
@LIAM changes hair into Short Curly Fade
goto shorthair1
} “High Top Fade” {
@LIAM changes hair into High Top Fade
goto shorthair1
} “Shaved Sides” {
@LIAM changes hair into Shaved Sides
goto shorthair1
} “Different Styles” {
goto hair1
} “Select Color” {
goto hair1
} “Done” {
goto male_avatar1

label longhair1

Choose his hairstyle.

“Emo Boy” {
@LIAM changes hair into Emo Boy Hair
goto longhair1
} “Shoulder Length” {
@LIAM changes hair into Shoulder Length
goto longhair1
} “Corn Rows” {
@LIAM changes hair into Styled Corn Rows
goto longhair1
} “Twisted” {
@LIAM changes hair into Twist Hair Male
goto longhair1
}“Next Page”{
goto longhair12
} “Different Styles” {
goto hair1
} “Select Color” {
goto hair1
} “Done” {
goto male_avatar1

label longhair12

Choose his hairstyle.

“Dreadlocks” {
@LIAM changes hair into Long Dreadlocks
goto longhair12
} “Cade Messy” {
@LIAM changes hair into Cade Messy Hair
goto longhair12
}“Long Braids” {
@LIAM changes hair into Long Braids
goto longhair12
} “Natural Curls” {
@LIAM changes hair into Natural Curls
goto longhair12
}“Previous Page”{
goto longhair1
} “Different Styles” {
goto hair1
} “Select Color” {
goto hair1
} “Done” {
goto male_avatar1

label styledhair1

Choose his hairstyle.

“SoCal Flip” {
@LIAM changes hair into SoCal Flip
goto styledhair1
} “Pompadour” {
@LIAM changes hair into Modern Pompadour
goto styledhair1
} “Spiked” {
@LIAM changes hair into Spiked Up Hair
goto styledhair1
} “Slicked Back” {
@LIAM changes hair into Slicked Back Hair
goto styledhair1
}“Next Page” {
goto styledhair12
} “Different Styles” {
goto hair1
} “Select Color” {
goto hair1
} “Done” {
goto male_avatar1

label styledhair12

Choose his hairstyle.

“Short Faux Hawk” {
@LIAM changes hair into Male Subtle Faux Hawk
goto styledhair12
} “Long Fauk Hawk” {
@LIAM changes hair into Male Messy Faux Hawk
goto styledhair12
} “Cade” {
@LIAM changes hair into Cade Hair
goto styledhair12
} “Cornrow Bun” {
@LIAM changes hair into Cornrow Bun
goto styledhair12
}“Previous Page” {
goto styledhair1
} “Different Styles” {
goto hair1
} “Select Color” {
goto hair1
} “Done” {
goto male_avatar1

label bangshair1

Choose his hairstyle.

“Short Wave” {
@LIAM changes hair into Short Wave
goto bangshair1
} “Long Bangs” {
@LIAM changes hair into Long Bangs
goto bangshair1
} “Bowl Cut” {
@LIAM changes hair into Bowl Cut
goto bangshair1
} “Euro Style” {
@LIAM changes hair into Euro Style Hair
goto bangshair1
} “Unstyled Faux Hawk” {
@LIAM changes hair into Unstyled Faux Hawk
goto bangshair1
} “Wild Curly” {
@LIAM changes hair into Wild Curly Hair
goto bangshair1
} “Different Styles” {
goto hair1
} “Select Color” {
goto hair1
} “Done” {
goto male_avatar1

label boy_hairDark1

Dark hair colors.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
“Black” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Black
goto boy_hairDark1
}“Chestnut Brown”{
@LIAM changes hairColor into Chestnut
goto boy_hairDark1
@LIAM changes hairColor into Cayenne
goto boy_hairDark1
}“Auburn” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Auburn
goto boy_hairDark1
}“Different Colors”{
goto hair1
goto male_avatar1

label boy_hairLight1

Light hair colors.

“Blond” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Blond
goto boy_hairLight1
}“Fawn” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Fawn
goto boy_hairLight1
}“Platinum Blond” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Platinum Blond
goto boy_hairLight1
}“Strawberry Blond” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Strawberry Blond
goto boy_hairLight1
}“Different Colors”{
goto male_avatar1
goto male_avatar1

label boy_hairDye1

Dyed hair styles.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
“Bright Blue” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Blasting Blue
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Green” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Grievance Green
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Hot Pink” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Pop Pink
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Purple” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Punky Purple
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Different Colors”{
goto hair1
goto male_avatar1
“Charcoal” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Charcoal
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Light Blue” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Blue Light
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Mint” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Mint
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Passion Fruit” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Passion Fruit
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Different Colors”{
goto hair1
goto male_avatar1
“Coral” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Coral
goto boy_hairDye1
}“White” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into White
goto boy_hairDye1
}“Grey” {
@LIAM changes hairColor into Grey
goto boy_hairDye1
goto male_avatar1
}“Different Colors”{
goto hair1

label male_end1
@pause for 0

it should be:
} “This is perfect!” {
goto male_end1

And a PM stands for Private Messaging

it says male_end1 doesnt exist

Hi, type it in now and it should work. It was because before you had label male_end1 but no goto male_end1

its not working
where is it supposted to go i might be putting it in the wrong placce

That is where it is supposed to go. I highlighted it. Did you put it there?

yess thank you so much