Dara Amarie's Official Help Thread! [closed]

I don’t use an ipad and haven’t ever used an ipad for directing so I wouldn’t know, I’m sorry.

Someone gave you an answer already, but then deleted their reply…

If you want a thought bubble for dialogue, you have to put parentheses around the text:

(I'm thinking right now.)

Just make them do any regular animation that isn’t rear (like idle)

I’m not sure what you mean by that?

Add/subtract the points next to the name during dialogue, or use an @ command: The Points System

ARACTER (animation) +1


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I’m sorry, I’m kind of confused? You want to use the stand_up animation to make it appear like your character is sitting? Or you want to use the stand_up animation for a character already sitting so they can get up?

@CHARACTER becomes female profile

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Okay, I’m back again and I need some more help with overlays…they HELLA confuse me…
can you help me ?
here’s the script:

@JACOB is transition_squat_to_stand_neutral
@JACOB is tinker_kneel_neutral_loop
@JACOB is transition_sit_to_stand
@AMBER faces left
@pause for a beat
@zoom on 216 379 to 626% in 0
@overlay 5454421743108096_GREEN WINE BOTTLE shifts to 171 354
@overlay 5454421743108096_GREEN WINE BOTTLE scales to 0.745 0.745
@JACOB is slapface_give_angry
@overlay GREEN WINE BOTTLE rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 1
@overlay @overlay 5454421743108096_GREEN WINE BOTTLE shifts to 57 354
@overlay 5454421743108096_GREEN WINE BOTTLE scales to 0.745 0.745
@overlay GREEN WINE BOTTLE rotates 360 anchor point 0.5 0.5 in 3
@overlay 5454421743108096_GREEN WINE BOTTLE shifts to 84 120
@overlay 5454421743108096_GREEN WINE BOTTLE scales to 0.745 0.745
@overlay GREEN WINE BOTTLE opacity 0 in 1
@overlay BROKEN GREEN WIINE BOTTLE opacity 1 in 1
@overlay 5454421743108096_BROKEN GREEN WINE BOTTLE shifts to 84 120
@overlay 5454421743108096_BROKEN GREEN WINE BOTTLE scales to 0.745 0.745
@pause for a beat

i’m probably doing something OBVIOUSLY wrong, but I don’t know what I’m doing. Basically, in this scene JACOB is throwing a wine bottle at AMBER and the wine bottle spins as he throws it at her.

Merci~ :blush:

I get this message “Choices must follow dialog immediatelly, not a branch”
i followed the template of

choice “option” {
dialog }

choice “option 2”{

but it keeps happening please help me

It means you need dialogue before the choice.
Can you post a screenshot of your script?

Can you tell me what isn’t working for you?

No. It like they’re already standing up but i want to use the stand_up animation to make it look like they’re dropping down to sit, then use the sit animation.

hii sorry to bother you
idk how to explain this very well but i’ve seen in many stories zooms where it kinda goes from the top to the left down and then the left and up at the same time. Like it’s all a movement.

*right instead of the last left

I guess you can just time the animation with a pause and

&CHARACTER is stand_up
@pause for 0.4

You mean curved zooms?

yes sorry didn’t know to explain

It’s not something that you can control. It’s just an annoying this that happens when you’re zoomed in at a spot, then zoom to another spot with different coordinates and zoom scale.

ok can you give like an example please?

Just zoom in at a random spot then zoom to another random spot

@zoom on 50 300 to 200% in 0
@zoom on 250 100 to 150% in 3