Dara Amarie's Official Help Thread! [closed]

Add the father to the template and have the father change skin tones at the same time as the main character. If you want the father’s original skin tone to stay the same if the readers choose a light or medium skin tone, then have the father change into that specific skin tone for all the light and medium choices. And if you want the father’s skin tone to change into a darker skin tone if the reader chose a dark skin tone, then have the father change to a dark skin color.

So if you want the father to keep the skin tone “Beige” if the reader chooses a light or medium skin tone, do this:

Medium skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
“Olive” {
@FEMALEAVATAR changes bodyColor into Olive
@FATHER changes bodyColor into Beige
goto skincolor_medium1
} “Tan” {
@FEMALEAVATAR changes bodyColor into Tan
@FATHER changes bodyColor into Beige
goto skincolor_medium1
} “Taupe” {
@FEMALEAVATAR changes bodyColor into Taupe
@FATHER changes bodyColor into Beige
goto skincolor_medium1

And if you want the father’s skin tone to change to a darker skin tone if the reader chooses a dark skin tone, do this

Dark skin tones.

choice [shouldPaginate: YES]
“Umber” {
@FEMALEAVATAR changes bodyColor into Umber
@FATHER changes into Rosewood
goto skincolor_dark1
} “Rosewood” {
@FEMALEAVATAR changes bodyColor into Rosewood
@FATHER changes into Rosewood
goto skincolor_dark1
} “Mocha” {
@FEMALEAVATAR changes bodyColor into Mocha
@FATHER changes into Rosewood
goto skincolor_dark1

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Anytime you have a character add or remove a prop, they will repeat the last animation they last did. Remove the prop before he does the “punch_receive” animation, or make him do a different animation after the “punch_receive”

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These are not actual commands. You can’t pan a character. Are you trying to get her to walk to zone 2 while running? The command looks like this:

@follow BRIDGET to screen center in zone 2 and BRIDGET does it while run_athletic

Do you want her to stay behind the overlay the whole time or does she eventually go in front of it? You have her move to layer 2 right before she walks, which is the same layer as the overlay.

Wow. I want to have the reader be able to choose their own character look but that’s just a hot mess of a template. LOL Are there any pre-made templates I could use and then work on trying to get it customized like your examples?

I have 4 characters that will be affected by the customization template.

I also sent you a message on Instagram. =)

Are the twin and the twin’s child both female? All you need to do is just use “@CHARACTER becomes MAIN CHARACTER” for same gendered characters. Then just change their other features using the codes provided in the document. For the father, just add him to the template exactly how I showed up. It’s not that complicated, it’s actually really simple

No the twins are female the child is male.

Is there a template I can use then just change accordingly? Is the in-game template good to use?

There isn’t. All the templates are for 1 character. If the child is a male, then add the child to the template, then have the father “become” the child.

I’m trying to get her to start in one zone and run across to the next zone with it showing her exit then enter into the next. And yes, all while running.

Here is what I have.

@BRIDGET enters from left to screen right AND BRIDGET is run_athletic

&pan BRIDGET to zone 2
@BRIDGET is run_athletic to screen center

@BRIDGET faces left AND BRIDGET is idle_wounded

I understand they are all for one character but could I use the template for the one character and then add the other characters?

I answered this above.

So you want a template for each of the characters so the reader can customize all of them themselves?

No. Just changing the MAIN CHARACTER changes the rest based on the selections. I’ve bothered you enough. I am just not getting it so I will mess with it and see what I can do. Thank you.

I know you did. I was just showing you what I had. Thank you.

Hi! I’m using ‘spotlight’ and everything in the script works well, also in the preview, but at one point, the usual way of the main character being shown changes into one, where you only see a speachbubble without the character itself. (I hope you can understand my English :'D)
So… as soon as ‘Ellie’ coughs, it starts to go wrong…

@pan to zone 1 in 1.0
You walk over to a bench. The girl sitting there has her eyes starring on the phone in her hands.
As politely as possible, you cough.

    UNKNOWN GIRL (idle_phone_neutral_loop)

    ELLIE (idle_handsonhips_neutral_loop)
I should...

choice “cough even louder!” {

    ELLIE (cough)

When you pan to a different zone, you have to basically reset the characters to that zone. (otherwise they will stay in the other zone)


Oh, I didn’t know you had to do it with the spotlight version, too. But thank you! You saved my good mood :smile:

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Hi again ^^
Something else turned up…
This time it says that a “{” wouldn’t have a matching “}”.
But the second one actually comes…


@pan to zone 1 in 1.0
@ELLIE left

This is how the first one’s placed…

}“the apathetic looking guy.” {
@pan to zone 2 in 1.0
And the one on the very left is the one that closes the choice

Can you post a screenshot of your script

Over “@pan to zone 1 in 1.0” is the first one. I’m having a small problem with my laptop rn… I’ll try to make a screenshot of the second one, though it’s not working atm