DARA’S GUIDE: The Points System

What is the difference between the ‘BOY > 1’ and ‘BOY = 1’ ??

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Ohhhhhh it all makes sense now! Thank you so much thats a lot of help!!! :smile:


I’m confused, how do I fix this?

Remove the word “choice”

wait this exist?. i need to use this in my next story

Can you help me with this?

“readerMessage” is misspelled on line 707

I feel stupid. Thanks! Sorry for being a burden.

How can you tell the readers how many points they have? Like:

Boy 1: 3 points

Girl 1: -2 points

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Yeah I was wondering that too. I want to let the reader know how many points they have in each category I’ve created and I don’t know how?

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I would highly suggest giving this article a read if you want to let readers know how many points they’ve gained/lost for each category :slight_smile:

Thank you!

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Thank you so much! This helped a lot!!

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what if you do the points system in one episode and don’t use if elif or else in that episode and then move on to the next one how do u save the points

Points will carry throughout episodes whether you use the if/elif/else or not

how do u know how much have

The outcome based on which character has more points is not working for me. In the example below, it always ends up with the picked_john gain, even though I choose the option that gives Merry the points when I test it. Please help, and thank you for this awesome guide by the way.

Question 1

“Merry answer”{
“John answer”{
@JOHN +5

if (MERRY > JOHN) {
gain picked_merry
} elif (JOHN > MERRY) {
gain picked_john
} else {
Tie breaker question: Cute or Talented?
gain picked_merry
gain picked_john

Test on the app and reset story progress I don’t think the web preview remembers points.

I have tested it in the mobile app too and exact same problem occurs sadly.