Dara Amarie's Official Help Thread! [closed]

yeah i got it

Ok, good.

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Your code looks correct. What’s wrong with it?

You need to make your character “walk” to a spot while doing an animation. If they are slowly appear, it means they are “walking” to a spot while doing an idle animation or another animation.

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You cannot have the NARRATOR do an animation. Animations are only for characters.

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Sorry their account is private so I can’t view the video you’re talking about. Can you explain a bit more about what it is you’re trying to do?

You need to have an ending puncuation, like a period or exclamation point, if your dialogue is in all caps.

You’re moving her to layer 1 when the podium is at layer 0, that’s why she keeps ending up in front of the overlay.

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For some reason the characters are going the opposite directions from how I coded them.

They’re both going to the same spot (400), is that why?


hi! how do I fix the warning that says, “use @CHARACTER enters from X to screen Y?”

can I see your script

What does your code look like?


Remove “in zone 2” from those commands.

&zoom on 136 328 to 171% in 5

&AMY walks to spot 1.204 199 2 in 5 AND AMY starts rear AND AMY faces left

@AMY faces left

@pause for 4.9

@AMY starts eyeroll_subtle

I want my character to face left when it is scaling using rear but it keeps on facing the other way

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When you use a rear animation, you need to make your character face the opposite direction. So if you want her to faces left while being rear, you need to make her face right

when i removed “in zone 2”, both of the characters exited then walked back to their place in zone 3

The “enters” command is only for the current zone you are in. If you want your characters to be in a different zone, then you need to use the “stands” comman instead of the “enters” command.