Dara Amarie's Official Help Thread! [closed]

Characters will stay in the same outfits pretty much forever until you change their outfit into something else. So if you have your character choose an outfit, they will stay in that outfit in the next episode and then on. But if you changed the character’s outfit to like pajamas or something and then want them to change back into what the reader chose, go here: HOW TO: Remember Past Choices (if/elif/else)

The same thing applies to character customization. Characters will stay the same way the readers customized them forever, unless you yourself change the appearance.

If you’re going to change the appearance of the character (hair and makup) for like a flashback or something, and then want to change it back to what the readers originally customized the character, the only way to do this would be to create a duplicate character and change the appearance of that character.

To create a duplicate character, use this code: @DUPLICATE becomes CHARACTER

So if you want to change the hairstyle, change the DUPLICATE’s hairstyle and use the DUPLICATE character for the scene. Then when you want to go back to the hairstyle the reader chose, just switch back to the original character.

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