Dear Ink Writers.... (An open letter from a LL author)

I do think animation wise limelight has more but clothing wise I can see your point. But overall yeah, it makes sense they are focusing on limelight rn

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Sadly, there’s nothing to be patient about. Episode have abandoned INK and just didn’t tell us when they did it. Thanks for keeping writers in the loop, Episode :roll_eyes:

Personally, I think people are right to get annoyed and complain about the lack of INK updates. They’re focusing on Limelight, sure, but they could have at least given us the full range of emotions for the animations before abandoning the style completely… done a last update in which they told us it was going and took a few of the most popular requests. I mean… no walk_angry?! Really?!

It would be fine if they were actually going to do more INK updates, but I understand being upset about it because they haven’t given us a complete art style and they’ve left us in the dark about it.


INK has most definitely gone away like Classic and without any warning. I did a petition in the last forums and it was only THEN that they decided it was time to tell us that INK was going to be dropped in early 2018. They haven’t given any formal notification, though, which is disgusting.

Episode already stated that ink’s technology is old and it takes a long time to make new things. Now they have much better technology that will make new things a lot faster. Also, ink can’t have updates forever eventually it is going to stop and yes they might have left things out of ink but also left out a lot of things in classic and added it to ink. It’s the same thing with limelight they are adding thing they didn’t add in previous style into the newest one. It’s called improving.


The problem is it’s already stopped. They just haven’t told us

no. :slight_smile:

If they want us to stop complaining about ink then how about they improve limelight and actually listen to the readers concerns about limelight? There are so many things wrong with limelight and the number one being the characters are ugly. So fix that and I’ll actually give ll a chance :smiley:

You’re right. Though, it is definitely understandable. I mean, those amazing animations in LL…

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Okay we get it, you guys love ink and believe it should have more updates. But stop complaining so much! Limelight barely has any clothes or shoes! It’s so damn annoying and irritating. Why can’t you be patient? It takes time to create things. There is NO need to hate on LL lovers because you’re an INK one. Leave, Everyone. Be.



OMG! Thank you for this. I’m tired of people complaining about Ink. it takes time and Limelight barely has anything. Just chill and be patient. You don’t know how hard it is to create this stuff. :roll_eyes:


Exactly! They also need to understand hat Episode can’t supprt INK’s software anymore and that is why they stopped updating!


Honestly the Limelight clothes are better in variety imo, quality over quantity from Ink.

Coming from someone who started from INK and was relatively neutral to Limelight, all I can thank is that we don’t have the Limelight from Crush on the Bad Boy, Clueless or whatever. They’re so damn freaky lmao.

Both Limelight and Ink have their strengths. I do somewhat prefer Ink over LL, but a little tired about people complaining constantly. Besides, I’m sure with the new updates and tec I might end up being a LL convert altogether tbh :sweat_smile:

It’s pretty annoying seeing the two being pitted against each other. Like give Limelight some room to breathe. Be grateful it doesn’t look like the former Limelight we once had lmao


It’s becoming a bit much. It infuriates me. How can people be so disrespectful and immature towards episode like this.

These comments were from the update post on Instagram. It’s ridiculous!


INK is the old style. It’s like new generations of music. Nobody’s updating that old style any more only the new, ranting won’t do anything not that it ever has


I think INK users need to stop complaining but LL users need to as well. We know there’s not very much clothing for LL compared to INK, but we also know that INK is no longer being updated which means that there will be more clothing options designed only for LL in the future.

I’m generally just extremely tired of threads about INK but LL as well. Yes, we get it, some people prefer INK, others prefer LL. We’ve seen so many threads about this now - can people just let it go?
Also, I annoys me that people always make their threads to be like ‘either you’re with ink OR you’re with LL’ as if they’re trying to start some big war of what’s better.
Just … INK users, stop complaining about LL and LL, stop complaining about INK.


I agree one hundred percent! I understand that with updates such as tattoos it might be hard to understand, but Limelight is a new style which they want to make better, and not only that, Ink also has a lot of things such as hairstyles that Limelight needs to update to.


preach!!! :clap::clap::clap:

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I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all. People are allowed to voice their opinions. Isn’t it a good thing that people like an Episode style so much? When did being sad about the lack of updates become disrespectful or rude? They haven’t even been transparent with everyone about the fact that it’s been abandoned as a style. Maybe if they actually updated us on here formally instead of just replying to the odd post, people would stop asking about INK. Most people don’t even know why they stopped the updates, so of course they’re going to ask.


I absolutely agree with you. I asked texting several Episode people, even sent a support ticket. No one ever answered. That’s why people commenting on and on… we just want a clear message. I don’t want INK to get the last updates (if we get any) 2 years after style will become less popular.


My thoughts on this:
Classic will ALWAYS be the best style for me.
It just, will.
I love everything about it. The clothes, the faces, the hair, the animations… I honestly don’t understand why people hate it so much. I love it. It’s amazing.
Plus, you’ve gotted the added nostalgia of it! And all those great stories written in Classic. Just… the feel of Classic makes me so comfortable and happy. When I think of classic, i get this warm, fuzzy feeling feeling! (this is probably because I discoverd Episode when I was quite young- I remember getting shocked over a kiss haha) but I just love it.
Ink, when it came out; I was over the moon. I loved it… for a while. I read alot of Demi Lovato, Mean Girls, And My Brother’s Best Friend… lol😂
Anyway after a while, I started reading Classic stories agian.
Don’t get me wrong, I still love ink! It’s just Classic is so much better.
Limelight… well, when I first saw it I was like “'meh”
I didn’t hate it and I didn’t like it. However it’s growing on me! And I’m currently working on a Limelight story, and Im growing to love it! It’s really pretty and I might even like it more than Ink. But my one issue is… everyone looks kind of like a supermodel? Oh well, My character is supposed to be really beautiful (she’s literally a fire princess :crown:) so, for this story at least I am fine with it