Dear People who Flag EVERYTHING for no reason

omg yes i was on that thread and i got flagged for saying that they flag ppl for no reason lmaoooooooooooo

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Nobody had been flagged as much as I have in less than an hour, no. 127 flags for no reason. I-


If you’re not convinced, look for yourself. :woman_facepalming:t5::nail_care:t5::roll_eyes:



I still can’t get over how funny that is lmoa :woman_shrugging::sweat_smile:

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Lmfao I was so pissed off, but I’m kinda over it now. People just be bored and decide to flag over 100 posts like that’s totally normal…:joy:



wow that’s a lot of flags

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lol someone said the limit was 8 flags so it’s either really dedicated ppl with multiple accounts or it’s someone who doesn’t have a limit for flagging :eye: :lips: :eye:

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Yet they can’t flag all those troll-


Ik :pensive:.

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Lmfaodbdkdm :joy::joy:

I what does that have to do wi-

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Make a thread for it-

Hahaha really sorry again…

Don’t know how to do that

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who hates u so much omg :sob:

@cecilia_do is me kitty_k add me to the group chat

Also I agree…people need to stop flagging people for no reason.

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uhhh what do you mean by @cecilia_do is me :thinking:
i’m @cecilia_do
and how did u know about our gc? it’s private

edit: never mind i’ll add u

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I got flagged for saying Merry Christmas last week :joy:

I try not to flag people unless I consider them extremely offensive. But when I used to do that I just realized that they had passionate arguments and were prone to getting upset, they weren’t actually trying to troll or aggravate me.
Now I’ll probably only flag if someone is being openly racist. Or something similar.