Dear Straight Authors Wanting to Write LGBTQ Characters

Dear straight authors wanting to write LGBTQ Characters,
I think what you’re wanting to do is fantastic! Your own sexual orientation should not determine what sexual orientation your characters are. LGBTQ needs more representation and by authors of all genders and sexualities writing them into existence, you are really helping the cause.

Many straight authors write these characters well. Equal representation, accurate portrayal, etc. However, I see equally as many, if not more, straight authors do very similar things when writing LGBTQ characters and end up misrepresenting them.

Many a time I have seen LGBTQ characters in a story who are used purely for comic relief or have their sexuality as their only personality trait. I completely understand if you want a character who’s in there for comic relief, also completely understand if you want them to be LGBTQ, it’s a problem when you use LGBTQ characters to be the butt of a joke and to perpetuate harmful stereotypes. When you put in a gay character for an example, and they are a walking, talking stereotype whose pure purpose is to laugh and make fun of, it is simply degrading and misrepresenting of LGBTQ people. Also, there is more to someones being than just their sexuality. Just like any heterosexual person, LGBTQ people have personalities. People are complex and they aren’t just limited to who they are attracted to (or who they aren’t attracted to). Too many times I’ve seen an LGBTQ character thrown into a story for ‘diversity’, they have no significant impact on the story, they are usually misrepresented, and they seem to be a two-dimensional character with no depth to them, having their sexuality as their main focus.

Stereotypes seem to run rampant in many stories with ‘LGBTQ representation’. I’ve seen bisexuals represented as hypersexual beings who just want to get together with everyone, I’ve seen gay men hitting on every male who comes their way and acting overtly feminine, I’ve seen lesbians only wearing masculine clothes and having short hair and participating in masculine activities, I haven’t even seen a single trans person represented (there probably is, I just haven’t read a story with them yet), and so on. I’m not saying that some people don’t match these descriptions, there absolutely are! However, not every single LGBTQ person is a cardboard cut out. LGBTQ members are people too! We are complex just like everyone else! We are not one thing and we are not just a stereotype.

I’ve seen quite often straight authors have actually created a well-rounded LGBTQ character. They have depth, they can think, they have their own personality, they aren’t just one thing. Yet a lot of the time these characters are written into stories about discovering who you are and coming out. I’m not going to say this is a no go for straight authors if you can write a coming out story then do it! But don’t write one without actually knowing what it’s like. You don’t have to experience it for yourself but at least ask someone for their story and their experience, or else you end up with unrealistic stories that inaccurately represent what it’s like. Every coming out story is different. Some people have supportive parents, some don’t. Some people come out in their own time, some don’t. Some people feel anxious and scared when they come out, some feel happy and excited. etc. Every story is different! All coming out stories I’ve seen written by straight authors are the same: no one will accept me, I’m so afraid, no one understands, I must hide my true self, oh how I long to be with someone of the same gender without judgment but alas! I haven’t come out!
Seriously, every single story. Don’t get me wrong, some stories are like that. But not every single one.

Writing LGBTQ struggles. If you can write a story and accurately represent LGBTQ struggles, I absolutely commend you and I think that’s fantastic. To those who want to do that but don’t know how I recommend talking to someone with experience of these struggles so you can appropriately represent them. Struggles can include discrimination, dating, fetishizing, acceptance, etc. Too many times I see stories written by straight authors act like people can be openly gay, lesbian, bi, trans, etc. without judgment. No, struggles do not need to be a main focus in your story. No, you don’t have to include them if they are irrelevant (for example the story takes place around a group of friends who are all accepting). However, don’t act like they don’t exist. Do you really think that an LGBTQ person can go anywhere in the world without experiencing some form of discrimination? Even from just awkward stares as two girls kiss or straight up shouting and yelling that it’s wrong, people experience this every day all over the world. When you choose to ignore this, it can seem ignorant or just uncaring. On the other side of things, I’ve seen people try to write LGBTQ struggles and just miss the mark. You can tell they haven’t properly researched or experienced it themselves. I appreciate the attempt, just a little more effort was needed.

I thought this was an important topic to make due to the Queer competition happening at the moment. I know all sorts of authors will be writing these LGBTQ stories. I truly didn’t make this topic to offend anybody, simply to inform. To reiterate, I find no issue with straight authors writing LGBTQ characters, in fact I encourage it! Just as long as they are accurately represented. If you’re part of the community what’s your take on this? Do you agree or disagree? How about readers and writers, do you agree with what I’ve said? Has anyone got any counterpoints? Let’s have a civilised, educational discussion about this.


I actually do agree with what you’ve said and now the wheels are turning in my brain, because I have this story, that’s in the works and it does involve a LGBTQ character, and I don’t want him to be that stereotype. I want him to just be a boy, that likes what he likes with no apologies and live life the way he wants.


There is definitely a way to represent everything! The only advice I can give you is make sure his sexuality is not his only personality trait. He can be confident in his sexuality of course! But there is more to a person than what gender they like.


I totally get what you’re saying. His sexuality or his preference shouldn’t make up his whole character, he should have other interests, traits. His Sexuality does not define him.


Yes! Exactly!


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As a queer, I fully understand this.


I’m actually Pan

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As a generally-masculine gay man, I cannot express my appreciation enough. People definitely need to understand that not all LGBTQ-identifying people have the same personality or outward appearance. I love how someone is able to come out and inform everyone about this. However, what you said about the LGBTQ struggles and ignoring the fact that they face discrimination in some stories, I don’t believe this is necessarily a bad thing. I’d much rather read a story containing LGBTQ characters in which realism isn’t an issue, than reading one that contains homophobia, transphobia, etc, only because it makes me upset. I agree with you that it raises awareness of the fact that not everyone is happily accepted, but I believe when authors exclude that kind of content, it 100% normalizes the community (as the world should be, at this day and age). But everything else you said I completely agree with. Thank you SO much for bringing this up. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is also an issue with movies.


I’m very proud of my identity as a trans lesbian but I am so much more than my gender identity and sexuality! I have more to my character and while mostly interact with people in the lgbt+ community I have friends outside of the community too who never misgender me or dead name me to be funny or anything which I’ve seen on the few trans stories on episode.


Bump :cowboy_hat_face:

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I try to include diversity in my stories but I also don’t usually try to cover struggles cuz I believe that those are not my wounds to convey and understand. I like writing in a way that shows my perspective while also including diversity.

For instance, my MC in my current story I’m working on is a young black woman. I don’t want to address racism in that story because I want to focus on themes such as anxiety and feeling out of place (representing what I’ve experienced instead). But of course I’ve always seen black peoples all around and other cultures as well so I want to do my best to make sure everyone feels represented. I’ll leave it up to the people who have experienced racism to be able to write that accurately. Same goes for all the other -isms. If I haven’t experienced it, I won’t write about it. If I’ve seen it personally I’ll write about it but from that outsider perspective of what I’ve felt as a white person seeing the injustice.


I agree with what you’ve said, but as writers, me being a writer and a reader myself, it’s hard to have a balance of “I need to have diversity of race, sexuality and also variation in the characters and character traits, and etc, in my story” it just makes the writing process so difficult worrying about this! So everything you’ve said @xXMagicalUnicornXx is true, but something “straight writers” should also keep in mind is just, write what you know. Like you want to include LGBTQ+ characters? Great, but if you have no personal experience, try not to put too much focus on them in the name of ‘inclusion’ and end up perpetuating harmful stereotypes.


Also, so sick of every freaking story in the LGBTQ section being lesbian or even a regular story with a bi female option. There’s so many more letters than just the L and I feel like this shelf specifically should have more male MCs because every other story on the platform is female mc dominated.


I’ve seen that too, I think as we get more diverse, accepting and inclusive, a lot of things are going to take a while to have perfect representation like for example, in stories. Like it’s not too long ago episode added female clothing to male bodies. Also considering the majority of episode users are pretty young, I don’t think a lot of young boys are using the app, so it does make sense, not that it makes what you’ve mentioned any better. But if you want to see good gay representation in stories I know a lot of gay romances books that are amazing and would be happy to give you a recommendation. :+1: :blush:


Yes I would love that, the only thing is that I usually only read completed books but if you know of any that are completed that would be wonderful I am always looking for new bxb reads!


@Brooklyn_Blade Got some great completed series!

  1. Charlie Cochet, kings security series
  2. Ella Frank, danger zone series also her fallen angel series. Loved all of them, I binged both series in a weekend - separate weekends -
  3. Emma Scott, Someday someday as well as When you come back to me - that one is part of her Lost boy series, other ones are straight love stories but I recommend reading all of them it’s much more satisfying. But nothing is spoiled if you read only the two.
  4. Elle Kennedy, Him series

Some singles are:

  • Heteroflexible by Daryl Banner, that one is actually a series but I haven’t read the other ones, author seems really cool though!
  • Hot head by Damon Suede *but only if your above 18 it’s got some… but really funny!
    I have more :joy: I’m at daydreamwrites.epy dm me or reply. But if you wanna talk about them dm me cause I will too! So check them out :yellow_heart:

Thank you so much I will def check these out!!


Ofc I really enjoy recommending books!

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