Did teachers trust you at school?

About the Dyscalculia? Yes.

I graduated high school

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The teachers trust me when I was at school. I really don’t talk at school that much. Plus I had good grades so
 I say they trust me.

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They sure did, but they shouldn’t have. I mean I was a good kid, had some of the best grades in school, never got sent to the office in my life, but when i got into senior high some teachers would talk about my friends behind their backs and tell them everything. Chile, small private schools were full of student-teacher DRAMA. It was tew much

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I was behind on getting good grades (C or above) but I tried :woman_shrugging:t2:

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Gosh :open_mouth:

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It was for me to have good grades. But parents said that they were proud of me. That’s what kept me going. Even tho it was hard.

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I was in low sets at school in the UK the average student would aim for a C when taking their GCSES that is considered a pass and most colleges and jobs accepted them. However their are more advanced students who would take the higher exam and aim for A* A B or C

I failed majority of them and re took maths and English at college which I passed:)

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I never caused trouble in school! I was a good kid! So, my teachers trusted me to do everything! They would make me bring papers from the Office to them, and I had to walk back and forth the school a bunch of times because they asked me to hand things out!

I felt like a Jr Staff! LOL :joy:

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Yeah I was the principal and administrators granddaughter

That good that you passed. I heard there going to make school harder.

LOL why are you on every post I go to?? @Emmzy

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oh i lovedddd my teachers and most of my professors too. we had really cool teachers that as long as you didnt start getting into some nonsense, you could be casually friends with them. i dont think i was ever the smartest or most hard working kid in the class, so I cant see myself being the prson they would put in charge if there was a sub or something but that wasnt really important to me. Ive always liked school, and felt a mututal friendship between me and my teachers haha

We used to have what was know as student host once a week they picked 1 student to go and help the office people deliver papers to different rooms and stuff like that
 It sucked because you had to sit at a desk on your own outside the office doing the work your teacher had set you and then stop what you are doing to take a letter, register, not whatever to different classrooms. and only saw your friends at break times
 so you were practically alone all day :confused:

i don’t trust any teacher but they all think i’m pretty trustworthy

You’re on my post :joy::joy: but I must be popular if you see me everywhere :joy::joy::joy:

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They kind of trusted me. Well except for the times where I would have sudden mood changes towards them and my attitude would be crazy. Follow me on @queen_Phoenix30

heh teachers trusted me with far to much and still do but I don’t trust myself :point_right:t4::point_left:t4:

My teachers and lecturers trust me a lot :joy:

They rely on me to do stuff and said that if things were in my hand, they’ll feel relieved and worry-free hahahaha I held a lot of positions back in school and college (and I was a school prefect since primary school all the way up to college as a part of the student council), these teachers never let me go LOL :rofl: