(Dimming lights, turning lights off, turning them on) Help please!

I would like to know what codes I can use for dimming, turning off, turning on lights! Can anyone help me?

I know about dimming. You can use an overlay called EFFECT DIM 60 which makes the scene appear darker. Not sure about the rest tho x

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How do I add it in? do I latterly just put effect dim 60?

Example: INT. ANGIE BED - DAY with EFFECT DIM 60

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Wait can I like just put in the middle of using a background effect d-…

I don’t think that’ll work because it’s an overlay…

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oh ima still try and it and see what happens

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Your right it doesn’t work :joy:

Glad to help :joy:

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You know how in night scenes the authors darken the scene by like diming it? How do you do that? I want it to appear like my character turn off the lights.

There’s an overlay called “EFFECT DIM 60” that makes the background even darker

I know about that but I don’t want to whole scene to be dimed I just want a certain period of time to be dimed.

You can take it in Pixlr and change the transparency.

I’m a newbie so please explain what Pixlr :joy:

Ok hold on.
Gonna show you through pictures.

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Oh wait wait no hold on!
Use this right here!
@overlay EFFECT DIM 60 create
@overlay EFFECT DIM 60 shifts to 0 0
@overlay EFFECT DIM 60 scales to 1.000 1.000
@overlay EFFECT DIM 60 opacity 100% in 0
You can change the opacity to make it lighter
@overlay EFFECT DIM 60 opacity 50% in 0
Get it?

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you can do it in seconds like this
@overlay EFFECT DIM 60 opacity 50% in 5

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omg thxs so much! i’ll use that!

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Welcome :slight_smile:

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You could also use INT. BLACK - DAY and then go back the background you used before but then you going to have to spot the characters back to where they were before which is kinda complex and also easy at the same time. Edit: I’ve used this technique before you don’t have to tho :blush: