Directing Error:(

I need help!

Ok so I am trying to write the overlay codes in the same line as the background. Usually I don’t. Here’s what I originally had:


@overlay 5586122596483072_FRONT DESKS shifts to -496 -1 in zone 3
@overlay 5586122596483072_FRONT DESKS scales to 1.208 1.208 in zone 3
@overlay FRONT DESKS to layer 5

I try to make it in the same line like:

INT. SCIENCE CLASS - DAY with FRONT DESKS to 1.208 1.208 in zone 3 at layer 5

But I am getting this error, "wrong syntax of specifying coordinates. Try “to SCALE X Y”.

Can anybody tell me exactly what I’m doing incorrectly?

INT. SCIENCE CLASS - DAY with FRONT DESKS to 1.208 -496 -1 in zone 3 at layer 5

You can read more about overlays here:

Thank you for replying and helping! Appreciate it.

Np :fairy:

Hi, one more question. Now I am trying to add multiple overlays on the one line but it is once again giving me an error. In the case of multiple overlays, how do you add them together on the one line?

Here’s what I put:

INT. SCIENCE CLASS - DAY with FRONT DESKS to 1.208 -496 -1 in zone 3 at layer 5 with TWO DESKS to 1.277 -483 -34 in zone 3 to layer 2 with BACK DESKS to 0.723 -376 54 in zone 3 to layer -1 with FRONT CHAIRS to 0.705 -369 22 in zone 3 to layer 3 with MIDDLE CHAIRS to 0.724 -311 90 in zone 3 to layer 0 with BACK CHAIRS to 0.602 -309 89 in zone 3 to layer -3

at layer 2

Same goes for other ones

I hadn’t realized I did that, thank you once again:)