Directing Help and Assistance From a Purple Ghost For All Your Episode Needs

When you use a rear animation you have to write the opposite direction of which way you want the character to face.
For example:

If you want your character to face left when she/he does a rear animation, it should look like this:

@EBONY stands screen left in zone 3 at layer 2 AND EBONY faces right
@EBONY starts tinker_loop_rear

But if you want your character to face right when she/he does a rear animation, it should look like this:

@EBONY stands screen left in zone 3 at layer 2 AND EBONY faces left
@EBONY starts tinker_loop_rear

Thanks I never would have figured that out. I didnā€™t see that written in the guide ><

I ended up changing that particular scene a little but I will keep that in mind for next time.

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No problem! :relaxed:

Iā€™m trying to get my characters to run off screen, but instead itā€™s having them run across then walk off screen. Can you help?
Thank you :slight_smile:

I donā€™t know how your script looks, but try thisā€¦

@CHARACTER exits right/left AND CHARACTER does it while RUN ANIMATION

I hope this helps and that it was what you looked for! :relaxed: Please let me know if it diid or did not work :smile:

Yes! It worked. Thank you! :blush:

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No problem! :relaxed: If you need help with anything else feel free to ask me! :relaxed:

Okay, I have another question! How do I get someone to react to being punched/kicked in the crotch as soon as it happens (without a delay)? Also, is there a way to reverse the direction they react in? (he reacts as if the kick came from the left, but it actually comes from the right) (iā€™m doing this in limelight, if that helps)
Thank you so much!

What do you mean with that?

He is facing right and the girl is facing left. She kicks him then he turns to face left before reacting. Does that make sense? Iā€™m still kind of new to this and donā€™t know how to attach a picture

Okay i understand now

@GIRL_CHAR stands upscreen right AND GIRL_CHAR faces left AND MAN_CHAR stands upscreen left AND MAN_CHAR faces right

@GIRL_CHAR starts kick_crotch_give

@pause for #

@MAN_CHAR faces left

@MAN_CHAR starts kick_crotch_receive_rear

Is this what you were looking for?

You have to fix the pause as you like it, because just a 0.1 second can make a huge difference and the positions of the characters is just for example, so you can change that into spots instead if you want to.

(# - Seconds)

Yes! Thank you so much!

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No problem! :relaxed:

Hey, how can I give my character a different hairstyle for a certain outfit? Each time I try to change her hair, it changes with all the outfits.

The code to change a hairstyle is thisā€¦

@CHARACTER changes hair into HAIR


@CHARACTER changes hair into Messy Back Bun

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how do I zoom out while a character is standing up?

basically my character is sitting and then she stands up while it zooms out

&zoom reset


No problem! :relaxed:

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Iā€™ve seen in a few stories where you can see an outfit on a mannequin and press on it to put it on. How do you do that?