Directing help from a new author

How do you make a slap connect with a character? It always goes behind them, Also how do you make two characters kiss in limelight?
Btw check out my story. The link is down below. My story is called Unexpected Love and it’s under the name Queen of The Galaxy

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@CHARACTER1 spot 1.223 234 98 AND CHARACTER1 faces left AND CHARACTER1 is kiss_passionate_loop

@CHARACTER2 spot 1.223 234 98 AND CHARACTER2 faces left AND CHARACTER2 is kiss_passionate_loop_rear

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@CHARACTER1 spot 1.223 234 98 AND CHARACTER1 faces left AND CHARACTER1 is slap_face

@CHARACTER2 spot 1.223 234 98 AND CHARACTER2 faces right AND CHARACTER2 is slap_face_recieve

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You also have to more their layers.
You need to put the receiving character at layer 1 and the slapping character at layer 2
for kissing the layering can go either way just do the one that makes the most sense but you write it like
@CHARACTER1 moves to layer 1
@CHARACTER2 moves to layer 2

I usually change their layers as soon as they get on scene or before they start walking towards each other

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thanks :slight_smile:

thanks hun!