Discuss your problems here

hi guys
I wanted to make this thread for everyone and anyone who is facing problems in life . I guess I figured that no topic has this subject
To be honest, small petty problem can ruin your day and big ones are just horrible. I was always bullied at school and some called me animal, even teachers were like that. They just took the side of the popular kid.
In my school, The popular kids were treated like queen while other were like slaves. maybe you have not experienced it but it really hurts. At rimes it feels like you just want to fade away and dissapear. Like you just want to Freakin die. And this needs to stop like right now. People have feelings too they really do. You may not believe this but Karma always hit you in the most painful way possibe or in small bits.
TBH in this topic I did’nt know what to write but when I got writing my blood boiled and the words came out like water.
okay back to the topic
If anyone of you has a problem feel free to share becauuse some thing are just meant to be shared and I hope me or someone in this community will help you

be kind
be nice
and help others

bye and I hope you have a goood day


my problem is that i don’t have enough confidence. because of my low confidence level, i am unable to come out as bisexual and tell my mom that i’m a buddhist, and buddhists don’t eat meat.


This is my opinion


So I saw you’re problem
It is hard coming out like I’m bisexual too but tbh when I told my parents about it they were cool
They jusst kinda weren’t expecting it .
Don’t worry parents are there to help you and it is probably make you feel better to spill it (I meant that in a nice way)

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thanks, but it’s kinda hard when my mom is homophobic and says i “don’t know what it means”

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I’m sorry my cousin’s are like that too

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Yeah, I can pretty much relate.
I have a very low self esteem, and I dont know how to change that. I have lots of insecurities but I also could say I get mood changes alot.


Yeah me too insecurity is the thing that comes between everything tbh


My friend is bi as well, and she came out to us before she came out to her parents, because she knew we would accept it no matter what :slight_smile: maybe try coming out to friends (especially if you have lgbt friends, they’d understand!) I can imagine that coming out to friends is a lil bit easier, eventually this is your sexuality and it’s not something you can change, and I really hope your mom will respect it :heartbeat:


did her parents take it well?

Friends are amazing to be honest You can literally share anything with them

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i could only imagine having friends, let alone lgbtq+ ones. :skull:

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This is a small problem and not too terrible, but it’s enough to stress me out.

*I am in no way trying to sound ungrateful or complain or be rude, please let me know if I am.

The main problems I’ve had in my life were with school and my mom. My mom moved to a different state and school is just- I won’t even get into it because I would be talking for hours. Anyways, that’s not related to what I’m about to discuss.

My dad, brother and my other two sisters all live together (I’m a triplet.) We are renting the house we live in currently. We’ve lived there about 5-6 years. I share a bedroom with my two sisters and I don’t mind it. About a month ago, the landlord said we needed to get out of the house by July 1st. We were already looking for places since the house we live in has many problems (flooded basement, water damage, broken gas stove thing, etc.) I was still surprised though because that only gives us a little bit of time to move. I was stressed and I still have school to do. I was concerned because we have 4 cats and if we get kicked out where would we go? Anyways, a few weeks ago we went to look at a house. It was great! The same day our dad put in an offer and they accepted. I was glad we finally found a house! I even started packing and planning what my room would look like. I was super excited! Our dad was happy to move as well. Well, last Sunday our dad received a call from the owners and they said they didn’t want to sell their house anymore, even though we already signed a contract. For context, the owners are older and there kids are also grown. I believe they were moving to Florida to be closer to their children. Anyways, on Monday they told our dad we will give you $10,000 to walk away from the contract. At this point my dad had hired a lawyer (which is very expensive!) He said he would sleep on it, but he already knew what his answer would be: no. Then he said he would walk away from the contract if they gave him 10% of what the house costs ($25,900). We have not heard back yet. My dad is super stressed. He’s been sick and shaking and he almost died while driving because he couldn’t focus properly. He said he didn’t want to let us down and it’s not helping that his work is stressful. Now, the reason all of this is a problem is because we still need to be out of the house we currently live in, in about a month. When you purchase a house it takes I think about 26 days for you to be able to move in. This means we would still need to stay somewhere temporarily. The house we are trying to buy is the nicest house we’ve seen on the market all year. We have been looking forever so it was nice to be able to find something at a cheap price. Worst-case-scenario we go to court and I have to live with my mom in a different state for a little bit and oh gosh I’m starting high school in August and- I still have school to do and I’m all of this is stressing me out. I don’t know whether to throw up, cry, or both. I am also struggling with my sexuality and my depression and anxiety is not helping either. :slight_smile:


I never had friends or best friends in years I crave for a friend the last friend I remember is in 1st grade and let’s just say she hated me

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Yes, I don’t remember the exact things she said when she came out, but her parents are pretty modern, it took them a while to understand but they took it pretty well. I have another pansexual friend who didn’t tell her parents but she told us, because her parents are kinda religious. So I can imagine how hard it can be. But I think she’ll eventually tell them >~< At the end of the day when it comes to these things I think parents have no choice but to accept their child’s sexuality :slight_smile:


I’m so sorry I can’t even imagine how that must be my problems just seem like a dot in front of yours


It’s okay, you’re allowed to complain about your problems and I will be fine! :slight_smile:


My one and only problem is finals. It’s freaking me out, starting from next week, I’ll have a final exam every week until the end of July :no_mouth: they’re so stressful because I really want good grades. Especially in math, it’s the most stressful one :unamused: it’s not too hard for me or anything, I just get really anxious at math exams. I literally freak out and lose my focus :frowning:


why are you getting exams in the SUMMER??


Because of coronavirus mostly, I was supposed to be done with the finals by the end of this month but well :sob:

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Yeah I hate exams too sorry