Discussion: Am I The Only One That Hates Long Episode Stories?

I feel like I am more of a get to the point person idk. Like, a story can be good but if it’s too long I just don’t read it I like short episodes idk I’m not very patient.


Even I love short Episodes. Because long episodes feel like it will take ages to read lol. But most of the people love long episodes lmao.


i don’t hate them but i understand why you would lol. i can’t read an episode of it’s over 30’ minutes. once i realise i spent 30’ reading only ONE chapter I’m out. I won’t abandon the story (except if I don’t like it) but I’ll come back for it ( and I know that messes up with the rank so sometimes i just try and push through it)


Nope, I have a short attention span. The longest story I ever read was Amnesia and it was 40 something episodes which took me like a year to finish cause i kept coming back every few months,


Right, I can’t finish long stories like that idk I’m not patient enough for all that


I’d prefer a longer chapter over a shorter chapter only because I feel like I’m getting the most out of my pass but on the terms of how many episodes a story consists of, it CAN NOT be over 50 chapters. Of course there are exceptions (Barely Mine for example) but it’s hard for authors to continue a story that long without it seeming dragged out or boring.


yes sometimes it is a waste to use your pass for like a 5 minute episode


I mean, I’m fine with long chapters as long as the plot isn’t dumb and actually makes sense. Adding on, medium length (maybe like 10-15 min) is a good average, and I will enjoy using my passes.

However, stories that are 60+ chapters long I will not be willing to read, because it will bore me eventually and sometimes I want to multitask while reading…


I prefer the shorter episodes because I have s short attention span but I won’t close every story with longer episodes, just some


I don’t have time for long episodes :slightly_frowning_face:
I have about 5 times / day for about 10min to read and when episode is long but veeeery interesting it kills me that I can’t read it at once. I can’t focus on anything else and well… That’s the reason why I stopped reading stories which have longer EP than 10 min :woman_facepalming::expressionless:


I don’t mind long stories as long as its, well, interesting. Same goes for long episodes. I usually try to avoid episodes that are longer than 20 minutes, though :weary: I just get tired when episodes are too long, and besides, I have things to do.


I suppose I’m the outcast here, lol. I absolutely love long stories, the longer the better I say, but that’s just my opinion. :woman_shrugging:


I have to get super invested. If when I start the story has just come out w 5 eps, I find it easy to keep up w. But if it’s got like 30+ chapters already, I struggle to keep reading. but I read 79 chapters of EMU in 2 days :speak_no_evil:


Long stories are something I used to like but now I can’t be bothered finishing them. And long chapters are draining.


Do you mean the lengh of episodes or the number of episodes?

About the lengh of episodes:
If the episode is too long (30+ minutes), then I wouldn’t read it, unless it’s engaging and fits the story. My first story has short chapters (3-5 minutes reading time) because I was a beginner, and I couldn’t estimate the reading time very well back then. I received a lot of criticism because of the short episodes. Interestingly, it looks different in my second and current story. The episodes are much longer. If you are a quick reader, it will take you approximately 20-25 minutes for each episode, and so far, no one has complained about the length of the episodes.

About the number of episodes:
It all depends on the story itself, and by that, I mean the content.

For example, you read a murder mystery and, after 20 episodes, you find out who the killer is and successfully arrest him. The story should be over, right? But not for some authors. They write ten more episodes that have nothing to do with the murder mystery. Instead, they write about the unplanned pregnancy of the MC that came out of nowhere. The next 10 chapters are about her pregnancy, although the main plot has ended already.

I know it’s an absurd example, but what I’m trying to say is that when the main plot ends, the story should end too. And believe me, it’s better this way. It doesn’t matter whether the story only has 10 chapters or 40 chapters. As long as you, as an author, limit yourself to the most relevant points of your plot, you won’t write “unnecessary” scenes. I’m okay with prologues but don’t drag it out, and usually, a prologue is one episode long and not more.


Dang now I feel like my first episode is short but idk it’s a pet peeve for me to write a long episode

I recommend keeping all episodes at least 1500 lines +

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I didn’t mean to discourage you. I’m so sorry! :sweat_smile:
I have only described it from my experience. Maybe it’s different with other authors.

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It’s cool I was just saying

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I be feeling like my episodes are too short. I make them short because I want my story to last :+1:t5: :smiley: