Discussion: Barista Clothing

Continuing from the thread

Recently, all of the update threads have been closed for off topic posting. What is off topic? Why are you not listening to our concerns? Is Barista Clothing more important than lip colors for dark skinned characters? More important than cultural hairstyles? Who asked for this. I just want to know.


TBH, no one really needed this update except for those who’s characters are waiters/waitresses. I’m not that mad that they are postponing the hair and other updates (seeing as I don’t use LL often), but if they were going to update, they should have made it more…useable. I have no problem with the clothes themselves, it’s just the fact that no one needs them except for background characters.
Obviously, if my MC was a barista/waiter, I would be super excited! But my MC isn’t…soooooooo…


they are very unnecessary for 99% of the stories on episode… we already have an apron, I don’t think we need more. Not to mention, since these are all coffee-related they’re best suited for baristas only, making them even more limited :confused:


Honestly, I’m really sad about all the announcement threads getting closed all the time.

It’s possible to have open dialogue and difference of opinions without getting shut, we’ve proved this before. I feel like there’s a few of us that maybe take it too far on the style and art update threads specifically, and if we were able to write out a constructive comment instead of spamming the thread a mile a minute, our requests might be taken more seriously instead of being silenced. (Although, I’ve noticed even when people offer great details with how they feel it still gets flagged too so idk)

ANYWHO! Keeping on topic about the barista clothing… Eh, it’s nice or whatever… My main issue with the update was their title. “But First, Coffee Shirts.” ??? This is really a poor effort since they’ve been so creative with their titles in the past. Is this supposed to be from that selfie song? “But First, Lemme Take a Selfie”? Like… That has nothing to do with coffee shirts. Thoroughly disappointed. If the team needs help coming up with clever puns, hmu.


I mean, it’s just kinda confusing to me

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Exactly! I won’t be able to use them outside of a cafe background. I was especting different shirts with no names -sigh-


Tartan update has entered the chat


Maybe they deliberately want to cut us short or they simply can’t handle the heat. Either way, their coping techniques suck. Then again, they’ve brought this upon themselves.


Not related to the whole what do you think of the update thing, but I’m pretty sure the thread title is a play off the phrase “but first, coffee” which is on a bunch of t shirts and what not!
Related to the whole what do you think of the update thing, episode drop more limelight hairs or perish


Ooh that would make more sense :woman_facepalming: Anyway, now I have the selfie song stuck in my head so I still hate it :rofl:


Oh I thought that was in reference to

And I just noticed that @Sparklekat17 posted that above but I’d already found the image so… :rofl:


People out here drinking coffee when tea exists. Wow.


You guys are just very ungrateful. :smiling_imp::smiling_imp::japanese_ogre:


It probably takes them a long time to make this kind of stuff, and they were probably already working on the barista clothing when our concerns for lip colors for dark skinned characters, so, they released the clothing they already created, and are probably getting to working on the lip colors and cultural hairstyles now.

I know it’s extremely frustrating when the important stuff doesn’t come out, but give them a break, they have a small team who are trying to work to our concerns, and probably get side tracked just taking in our many requests.

Although… I don’t really see the need for this clothing, I’ll agree with that.


If I was part of the Missed Connections contest, I would be so hyped for this update because imagine- senpai comes in, never to be seen again in a coffee shop :slight_smile: hunt him (or her) down, you only know his (or her) name and coffee order xD


“Have you seen this girl? She orders a venti, half-whole milk, one quarter 1%, one quarter non-fat, extra hot, split quad shots, no foam latte, with whip, 2 packets of splenda, 1 sugar in the raw, a touch of vanilla syrup and 3 short sprinkles of cinnamon everywhere she goes!”


I honestly, am only going to use the clothes one time but other people can find it useful, I think episode is just taking a break as they added other updates for hair? Honestly, idk whats been happening.

I think we’re all forgetting that last year, we all got a special Christmas present. It was a new featured story called My Teacher, My Gangster so maybe they just realised there was no topping that.
:rofl: :see_no_evil:


Wow. 11/10 story plot.


This…makes sense…

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