Discussion: Can you choose family?

So this question has been on my mind for quite some time. I’ve always hear this whenever I argue with my mum when I say that I want to cut ties with that mean aunt (I know I have mentioned this like 100 times) and she hates the fact that I always ignore her whenever she comes to visits because I don’t even feel comfortable around her and I always get this dumb lecture saying that I can’t choose family.

It’s just that I have relatives that I can’t stand and their toxicity makes me hate them even more. This also include distant relatives because they see me as a threat.

To me, family means people that always have my back.

Let me know in the comment section down below.


I agree with you! :slight_smile: hope you can convince your mom <3


I’ve always tried convincing my mum this but she expects me to be civil to that bitch of an aunt. I refuse to be civil to those who disrespect me or people that I care about.

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True! Next time you see her you should just straight up confront that aunt what you think of her and asks why she’s such a bich!!

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I agree with you

Lol don’t worry, I have confronted that bitch! I can’t believe that she works as a therapist but throws shade at me just because I have Asperger’s.


She’s correct. You can’t choose family, but you can choose who you want to be near you. So if you are not comfortable with her, just continue staying out of her way :blush:


Ughh please slap her for me next time you meet her :skull:

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Hehe don’t worry, I would beat her up like I’m in an Episode story :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:



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What also pisses me off is that she treats me and other family members like shit but treats her in-laws like royalty. Not to also mention, I hate it when her kids are nice to me when I’m alone but when they’re with their relatives from their dad’s side, they either gang up on me or start being horrible to me just to please them. I find this awfully disrespectful!


That sucks :woman_facepalming: I have two nephews but they’re 6 and 9 so I luckily don’t have that problem :joy:

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You cant pick family is true. but you choose if you want anything to do with them. you should talk with your family why you dont like her. if you have a good family they will support you and listen to your opinions.

also if she is theropist i think you can report her for been a bad person in pirvate. if she is like that to family she cant be a good one

also remeber the old qute blood is thicker than water. the true version is this one
the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.
which mean pick good friends over a bad family


At least they’re not bullies like them kids (I don’t care if they’re around 8-10 years old, they shouldn’t be treating me like dirt).

But I do have distant relatives that I purely despise.

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Now you have mentioned about reporting her, I am planning to do this. Next week, I got my appointment with the nurse since he is more likely to take action against this because she has no right to treat me like dirt by victim blaming me and other horrible shit.


good. too many people work with vulnerable people when they shouldn’t.
thats why many are afraid of getting an actual diagnosis

I am autistic btw


I remember you mention that you’re autistic too.

But yeah, it’s sickening how she thinks that all autistic people are disgusting human beings. Pot calling the kettle black, she’s a disgusting human being herself for labelling all autistic people as disgusting or evil.

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I can try to ask in my autism group for advice for you if you want.

and she should really not work with people as far i can hear

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Yeah you can do that if you wish. PM me whenever you can :slight_smile:

True that. Not to mention, she’s a gold digger as well. She always asks money from me even though I refuse to give her money.

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what kind a theropit is your aunt.