DISCUSSION: crossovers not allowed on episode?

Hi All!

I just made a post (Crossover Guidelines) on this topic clarifying our rules on this topic.

Hey Episode Creators!

Recently, we’ve seen a lot of talk about our guidelines surrounding crossovers, specifically featuring characters from Episode community stories.

While we know this is confusing, our guidelines specifically do not allow the use of other people’s copyrighted material in stories on the Episode platform. Episode authors are the copyright holders of their work and this means characters, plotlines, etc from one Episode story, cannot be used in another Episode.

Here is the relevant text from our content guidelines (found here):

“In addition, by publishing your story, you agree that it does not include any content that infringes the intellectual property rights or rights of publicity or privacy of any third party. This may include using any of the following without permission:

  • any works of authorship of other parties, including excerpts or passages taken from literary works, video games, television or film ;”

What if my friend gives me permission?
Even if your friend gives you permission, Episode has no way of tracking or enforcing this. Because of this, crossovers are not allowed on our platform. This is to ensure that your stories and characters don’t end up being misused!

We’re sorry for any inconvenience this has caused, and hope this cleared up why this rule is in place. If you have other or specific questions please reach out to Support Team for more help.

With love,
The Episode Team